Chapter 18
Chapter 18
“What did you do?” The question hangs in the air between us.
He looks down at his own arm, and his face takes on a solemn look.
Arm surprised you haven’t seen this before now.” He doesn’t try to hide it behind his back: instead, he traces the delicate line. “I was young. I just thought that ending my life was the solution I was looking for. I was wrong.” He looks away from me as if remembering
everything. “My mate, she died, and I thought that I just couldn’t go on without her. I gave up.” His voice shakes slightly, but he holds himself together.
“Sometimes I feel the same way, but I just can’t do it.” I let my confession leak out. I have
never told anyone this. He takes his glasses off so I see those eyes of his that hold the color
of a perfect blue sky.
“Don’t ever think that. Promise me. He’s not worth your life.” His hands grab my arms, not
roughly, just to hold me slightly.
“Please, if you ever feel that way, come to me.” I nod my head at him, not trusting my voice
at the moment.
“Look at me. He’s not worth it.”
“I know.” His eyes hold mine for a moment, assessing me for the truth.
“I would never do anything like that, really. I’ve got my work now that I love. I’ve got my
family. They have already been through enough.”
“You should talk with Aurora. She’s really good. I talk with her myself at times.” He doesn’t hide the fact that he needs someone to help him.
“I just started to. I think it’s going to be good for me.”
“It will, trust me.” I still have his forearm in my hand. I can feel the heat his skin is giving off. His hand goes over mine with a little squeeze before he pulls himself away from my
Chapter 18
grasp. Putting his glasses back on, he stands, holding his hand out for me to take.
My chest almost brushes against him as he helps me stand. I can sense a shiver go through him. His eyes are hidden by his glasses. “We should go.” That’s all he says as he turns around, heading toward the canoe.
“So I invited some friends over. They should be there when we get back, if you don’t mind. I thought, maybe, have a little get together, nothing formal. A bonfire, get the guitars out, come singing to the moon. Would you be interested in staying?”
“Yes, I would love to.” Now it’s my turn to smile. I feel slightly giddy; I always wanted to sit by a fire and listen to music.
The midday gets pushed to afternoon, and several wolves are here. The party becomes bigger and bigger with new additions coming every few minutes. This is so nice, I think, sipping on a drink.
“You’re smiling. Are you having a good time?” Dallas has taken a break from hosting to talk
with me.
“Actually, I am. This is the first time I have ever been to a party that wasn’t a big pack get together. This is exactly how I pictured it would be. Thank you for the invite.”
“First time at a party! That’s really sad in a way, but at the same time I’m happy I could provide you with a first.” He bows slightly to me. I bow back, taking another sip from the plastic cup.
“Rya!” Cora, with her young in her arms, waves to me.
“Hi, Cora. How are you?” She comes to stand with us.
“Dr. Valentine, thank you for inviting us out. I just love it here.” She’s looking out at the lake, taking in the beauty of the water.
“I made some burgers. I put them in your fridge. I couldn’t find you.” She eyes us but looks
back to the lake.
“Thanks for doing that, but I told you just bring yourselves. I had everything taken care of.”
Chapter 18
She walks toward a shade tree. “I couldn’t come empty handed. That’s rude. Dropping the diaper bag on the grass, she’s trying to spread out a blanket with one hand.
“Here, let me help you.” Taking the blanket, I spread it out for her. The leaves of the big maple tree provides shelter from the burning sun on the delicate skin of the newbor
She sits down cross–legged, putting her infant in her lap. She’s sleeping contentedly, no idea she’s at a party. We are sharing something in this minute, the baby and I, our first lake
“Well, I better get back to hosting. If you females need anything, just ask. I’m at yourbeck and call.” He retreats back on the deck, where most of the crowd has gathered. Everyone is drinking their drinks, music is up, and voices are loud. Laughter, lots of laughing is going on. Some wolves are in the water, splashing around or using the toys that Dallas has spread
out on the shore.
“This is so nice. I love it when Dr. Valentine throws these parties.” She’s scanning the crowd, looking at everyone here, then back to the lake.
“Maybe one day I might get a place out here.” She has a longing in her voice, a want for a future she can picture in her mind.
Chapter 19