Chapter to
Lightning lati, Beringen her var hand. She whorepers until he lets go. His provd kan imisplating to fer acthe sightly crouches in on herself.
Has nose to the ground, he starts to mormor artand, scattering the deters of the fork for until he finds what he’s beking for Clumper in his
i dejt ne kokku a imporming monte. He diempo dom
I on the ground, the time mense draps its holy, wiling tiselt to get any. My wolf vrimi in, picking it up in her mouth, dropping it back down on the print les matching s4, not menting
sane tickles met wath longer. When the candies dimm and that in trickle of blood saturates her taste budi, ila the provider of hey food.
new trickle
My Wikt starts tu niazzie bun, kök tim, Brak her but it is in of this of who can
Chim the
awe of this wolf who can provide food i
food for her
ng thirst for the first time. Chinching basin in her jenen, the meadows it doRT,
(thill of meet fe hunts up seven more mine, letting my kit make the kit. She’s getting glattones, drunk on the blood of living creatures. His wolf taken off last and hard on a
Lindevent black, blending into the shadows of the forest wbeer the light dreunit peneinite. He disappears in the undergrowth for momentuak a time
My Wild waths, uning on her thunder her hum bà cume out with wither neor. İntined, he mom mest, wit
ang on her ta
in rabbit, placing the dead animal at his feer. He takes a stance over it, watching my west as it wasting for
post of his thran. She gives him her own menacing growi asins deep in her
Sheji in a greedy mood, wanting that between his legs eerself As she approaches him, he bites has foraminant growing out of his th
wrinking, she then her teeth is fab, and he does the same back to ber
mother step toward has 121. her shidden muchung dasm, tail straight. She postures her intent to take what he wants to keep. Another start for her not to approach, but she done to his ARTADIE
Hviding sightly in death
arp mind; ut teeth spent her rar up and blood starts to drip on the leaf–attered for Door. Be tokes a step back over his kill, waiting, matching her. The consuming hunger that exges in her stomach makes her forget
-jounces an her threat instantly, pinning herts the ground. He put holds her there until the stils undemnath him, the threat of spilling blood
Getting up again, te stands user has prep. My Wild Beint move all the ground. He mariance muide Before meaning into the Deth, consuring the meat bite after life as the watches him, Swalending when he wallows. ading heräps when lie does, the duesin try to move from her spot. He roses her the remaining hat athenabbt. Shemes down between power cars. She lake rabbit more than mice
Crudung down on her doma, tail wagning happily, the gre in leg over the top of her back, making to saturale every inch of
Bestaris tick hers and merk Bubbing down her Banks up the thrud of her body, he throws
puri). She welcomes in from her provider of met
Her posture to dum is of cons. Here age to the side as has nous peran agant share his mark wil ga ||
her ban need and her pupă needi alien the tire catars
Hes a male of worthi ||
hehf our weight. Creeping tentates of warmth overtake the pain. Slowly siding in is a velvet Baking holid
e neck Between powertal jaws, be presses down, Lindung Terili into flesh, and our world come alive ||
He steps away, and slaginn einu spied us in our beh
Heartbeats eroon to each other vying foryne te ser mytlari di a marchatici dane that’s starting between an }).
The hand flow of ions pound inside me, a ra
my and bring impaired by a new ho
bond taking hiki. Ideel great
Ideel great guiß is Clayian, great