Chapter 103
“I’m going to have Caleb train Clayton.” Dallas’s voice is such a contrast to Clayton’s.
“I saw you again for the first time a year later, Rya. It was another pack barbecue. By then, your shoulders were permanently hunched over like that of an old person who had a hard Aife, except you were still in high school. You didn’t even bother to face the pack. You just kept your back to everyone with nothing to eat. You sat there for just a few minutes, making an appearance before leaving. No one really cared, did they? Seeing you like that, but no one cared enough to do anything for you, help you in any way, that’s including me. I could have said something, but I thought, no, it would encourage you in the wrong way about me.” This is a slow pain from deep inside that just gets harder and harder to deal
Dallas is on the messages again. “I just want you to know that you are my first thought in the morning and my last thought before going to bed at night. I want you to know that I packed all my pictures up. She will always be in my heart, Rya, but you right now are my soul.” I smile at his truths. He makes me feel good about who I am.
“The next few times I saw you, the exact same thing: you sat with your back to us, no one spoke to you, and you left. I never got to see your face those times. A part of me wanted to. I remember the last time I saw you, the same thing again. I was getting used to seeing your back, never your face. Your hair was really long, always braided. I loved the color of your hair; it suited you somehow. I felt guilty for thinking that back then, because I loved Kennedy’s hair, but I liked your hair more, thinking back. I remember my mother congratulating your parents on how you got accepted into the midwife program at some college. You know what? Kennedy was accepted to university for this special art program. I remember when she got her acceptance letter in the mail. Jumping up and down, there was only two things she ever wanted to be in life: a mother and an artist. The first I could never give her, and the second I took away from her. I told her I would miss her too much. What I was really worried about was if she found her mate and never came back to me. I was scared that if she went away, she would never come back…but for you, I wished you would never come back.” He hangs up. Maybe he’s upset with his own revelation about himself.
“Rya, I just want to tell you that I am so proud of you again,” Dallas whispers sleepily, as if he’s drifting off to bed.
Chapter 101
was doing some thinking. You should thank me for your education, because if you were with me, I don’t think you would ever have become a midwife. You would have never gone past high school. So at least I can take some credit for that. You got yourself an education, not having to depend on anyone to support you except yourself. I’m trying really hard to look at the things differently now. If we were together, you would have never met Dallas. I like that wolf. Sure, we have some differences that need to get worked out, but all in all, he not bad. I like certain things that his pack does. I like the way he’s setting things up around here. I like that you get to fight with fists instead of getting whipped because of your nature.” He’s talking so long that his time ran out again.
“Another birth, Rya, another male. I’m doing things I never thought I could do.” Dallas hangs up, not saying anything else.
“Kennedy knew you were coming back soon. The midwife just died. Our pack needed you. Funny, isn’t it? No one cared about you all that time, and now you’re going to be caring for all our future pups. Ironic, isn’t it? I give you credit. I would never have come back.” He inhales a long pull from something, holding it into his lungs before he exhales out with a small cough.
“I saw you in your car opening the door, closing it. I saw your white knuckles on top the steering wheel. Kennedy was beside me at the window. She was curious how you looked after all these years. I have to confess that for the last few months we really weren’t getting along too good. We were fighting more and more. I wanted to break up with her, she wanted to break up with me, but we never really did because we still loved each other. But I think the end was near. My sister just got pregnant, and that was a common ground for us
eyes. I because we could take care of her together. Kennedy had this new sparkle in her remember that we made love the night before you came back. She asked me to mark her, I think it was to show you that she was mine. I had to stop a long time ago from biting her
neck, it hurt her too bad, but that night she begged me to do it. I did because I love.”
its first
when I’m inside her. I remember that when you got out of your car, I saw your face for the first time in six years. I had to lean against the wall, my legs started to shake so bad. Kennedy started to cry at how I was reacting to you. In that moment, my wolf gave growled threat out toward her. He’s never done that before. I told her to leave our room so I could get under control. I kept looking out my window until I saw you leave. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You had the most perfect body I have ever seen on a female.” His last words are spoken softly, as if reliving the moment.
~ 101