Chapter 113
“He came up to me at the party, told us that everything we said about you was a lie. He walked away only to come back, saying that since I don’t want you, he was going to do Kennedy and me a favor and take you off my hands. I couldn’t even say anything back to him because Kennedy was right beside me and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I love her.
He hangs up the phone, slamming it down so my ear hurts with the sound.
Listening to the next one. “Rya, the night I went to Dallas’s house, he just came back from yours…I smelled you all over that wolf. I couldn’t stop myself. We shared some words, and then we fought with teeth over you, while Kennedy was waiting for me to get home. When I went into the house that night, everyone could smell Dallas all over me. Kennedy freaked
couldn’t fight it anymore.” His voice gets cut out; I could tell in her eyes that she knew I ju off as his time is up.
The next message he’s sounds as if he’s starting to slur; I can hear ice cubes against the glass. “Rya, when you came to our house the next day, you saw Kennedy and me by the apple tree talking. It was her favorite thing to draw, except this time she was painting a barren tree without the fruit on its branches, almost as if the tree itself was dying. I knew she was upset, so we had a real talk. Honest conversation. I was telling her that I didn’t think we could go on like this anymore; the mate’s pull was too much now for me to fight against. That my Wild was getting more and more agitated with her…that I was afraid he. would hurt her, and trust me, I was trying to fight it with everything I had, because I loved Kennedy. I still do. I always will love her. I’m sorry it’s not something you want to hear, but you need to hear it. While we were talking, you were watching us. I felt terrible for Kennedy. She’s a good wolf, Rya. It’s not our fault we loved each other. We loved each other, but in the end, without the moon’s blessing, I just couldn’t fight against the moon.” He gets cut off again..
I get to the very last one. There are no more after this.
“Rya.” He’s really slurring his words now. He sounds very drunk; I’ve never been drunk before, but they always say that drunk words are your sober thoughts.
“You should let him mark you, because I never will.” That’s it. The call ends. He’s left his last message for me to hear.
Clupter 113
I need to sit on the edge of the bed. My phone falls to the carpet. I need to hold onto the fabric of the coverlet for a few moments as my breathing becomes difficult.
I can’t pretend this doesn’t hurt. It does.
Cash is at Kennedy’s side as they enter the house. She doesn’t look up, keeping her eyes to
te ground. Her head is shaved; Cash said she didn’t even cry when they did it.
Her hair was so knotted it couldn’t be saved.
She hardly makes a sound, walking by as if she really isn’t here at all. The faintest trace of silver hits my nose before it disappears, making me think I really never smelled it in the first place.
I thought that maybe she would look different now that Cash was with her constantly. Except the depths of her brokenness are a perversion to witness, vacant eyes staring at nothing. No joy on her face as she lets him guide her to the table. She’s not as skinny as before; she’s able to eat as long as he feeds her from his hand.
She looks like a funeral hymn all dressed in black, slipping ever so slowly below the living.
“Kennedy, we were talking with one of the teachers at the school, and she asked if maybe you would like to help out with painting some of the back drops for the school play. They could use someone of your talent to help them if you’re interested.”
“I don’t have the time. I need to get my painting finished.” The voice holds such emptiness, as if no one is inside anymore.
“Oh, well, after you’re done painting. The play isn’t getting started for a while. We thought you would enjoy getting out of the house for a few hours a day. When you’re feeling better.” Luna Grace’s trying to engage her in life.
“I need a tarp, Luna Grace.” She dismisses the Luna’s offer immediately.
“Why a tarp?” The Luna regards Kennedy up and down trying to see into her.
Chapter 113
“I’m going to be working on the ceiling, and I don’t want the paint to stain the carpet.” I car
see the way her lips are pressed together tight, eyes filling with tears before she swallows emotions down with the food she is eating.
“Okay, we can get you one.” Luna Grace keeps looking at the Silverback, eyes meeting eyes in silent communication.