Chapter 117
Taking our seats opposite each other, I can smell a few wolves in the crowd, who have the noses slightly up in the air. Carson faces them, leaning back in his chair, looking hard into their eyes.
His father has taught him well.
We place our orders with the pretty female who can’t stop fluttering her long lashes Carson’s way. Her fingers fidget with the pen she’s holding, staring at his lips, her cheeks. turning red. I have to admit he is a very good–looking male wolf. He pays no attention to her. His concentration is eyeing down the wolves who have taken interest in us.
Turning around in my seat, I eye them myself. Three juveniles try to posture more than what they are. I turn my back to them; they pose no threat.
Our food arrives. Holding the burger in my hands, I shut my eyes before taking the first bite, moaning slightly with how good it tastes. I open my eyes only to see Carson slide his chair back, going to get up.
“Carson, what are you doing?”
“I don’t like the way they’re eyeing us.”
“Carson, let’s eat and leave, okay?” Taking another bite of my burger, I swear I can eat two of these at the moment, it’s so good.
He begins to eat his meal quietly.
Picking up an olive from my salad, I pop one in my mouth.
“You like olives, Carson?”
“Yeah, I like olives,” he says as he continues to eye those wolves, getting his fur more ruffled by the moment.
something in common.” I smile his way.
“My brothers don’t like olives. It makes it hard in the house to like something that everyon else doesn’t have a taste for.” He takes an olive off my plate, placing it in his mouth. I wate as he slowly chews it before swallowing it down.
“Do your brothers know how much you love olives?” It’s a question I’m wondering about.
No, they don’t.” He looks shamed somehow, and I feel for him. It must be hard to keep that part of himself hidden away in the closet.
“I would never tell them what you like. I promise.” A sigh of relief comes out his mouth.
No more is said. We finish our meal in silence before Carson pays the bill that has the waitress’s number on it.
Obviously, she didn’t think we were together.
Getting back inside the car, we pull back on the road. The atmosphere is lighter, not so oppressive.
The landscape starts becoming more familiar as maple and willow trees start to replace the great pines of the north.
It’s warmer here, spring singing her arrival weeks ago.
Everything’s in bloom.
Pulling up to his house, my stomach is in knots.
He’s waiting for me outside in the driveway.
Eyes that match my own now watch me get out of the car.
He’s the first to move, advancing on me. My body tingles in anticipation of feeling him on
- me.
Slowly, my fairy tale picks me off my feet. Strong arms hold me against him. Pressing his
nose in the soft spot just above my collarbone, he inhales deeply with a little grow of appreciation.
His teeth actually almost break skin before he pulls away, leaving a small indentation in in skin of his soon–to–be mark.
“I’ve missed you so much, Dallas.” I nip at his neck.
Jands twine into my hair, pulling my head back so my neck is completely exposed to him. He’s grown more into himself. He’s becoming more than when I saw him last. An Alpha on the verge of taking everything he was born to take.
He places a soft kiss on lips that want to feel more of his strength.
“Rya, you smell different.” A growl rumbles out his chest, vibrating into mine
“What’s this?” His eyes go to my exposed bra strap, fingers pulling my shirt to the side, exposing more of my intimate apparel to him. Fire red, no way to get the color confused.
“I just wanted you to know that I’m available.” Understanding crosses his face.
“I’ll take you back to your house. Carson, thanks for bringing her back. Caleb’s inside.”
I look toward the house. Green eyes like that of transparent emeralds stare hard at me, holding me in my place for a moment.
His head is shaved.
Warm sweet spring air tickles the inside of my nose, thick with the heaviness of pollen. Birdsong and breezes rustle the trees as if singing a lullaby for my ears to hear. This is not a barren winter wilderness; this is a flourish of fertility at how the land is coming alive again.
Dallas carries my bags to the door. Turning to the side, I see my garden ready to be planted. with this year’s harvest. It’s cast in small shadows as cotton–like clouds drift lazily by.
“Dallas, thank you for doing all this work for me.” He’s staring at me, watching me take all
Chapter 117
his hard work in.
“I liked doing it for you.” His face gives a little Much; 1 feel ko Arking in face mas wrong with me?
Opening the door to my place, everything is the same except the walk. They no doom Set and painted the same color they once were. On my large table are containers of all seedling plants. The aroma of parsley, thyme, and lemon balm states the side of my house along with all the different varieties of herbs that will be planted it feel as if mater earth is present inside my home. I take a deep inhale. Not a trace of the prestou milf is left inside my space. It’s as if she has never been here.
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