ow long do you think it will take you to beat him?” As quick as a flash, his emotions change from some long lost memory to hard determination.
“A long time. It took him five years to beat his father, so I’m thinking I have a long road. ahead of me. It’s not just fighting, Rya, it how to deal with wolves, how to solve conflicts. How to manage money, support and defend the pack. There is so much learning to do, things I never really thought about, things I took for granted. It’s more of an apprenticeship I’m going through. Yet in the end, I’m going to have to beat that wolf somehow. And if he
The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake
wals the street metally and photostly can lead Hes in the fridge taking out a dish,
with his wisit a suitofore getting a lock and eating it down
*** Now Ust need a little bite. Except his bites are huge. I open my own mouth so he can give me a look full as well We stand by the fridge eating the cold food from the
wame only
sody stopping once is tuished I never realized how being intimate is so taxing The body and how your body needs replenishment often.
we by the most setthe slightly before our run. It feels good running with hum. I know that
show bon down, but he doesn’t seem to mind. showing
Going to the gym, there are multiple male wolves in various stages of working out or
sering with one another. It sets my souses off slightly. I inhale deeply, giving a shiver of delight, that makes me feel sick with myself.
Dallas takes my hand, which is much bigger than mine. I love the feeling of it. A squeeze,
assuring me that everything is good.
Seeing Clayton sparring with Caleb, he’s going blow for blow with him until he notices me, That’s when Caleb takes the advantage and puts him in a submission choke hold. I can’t help feeling slightly sorry for Clayton, but at least he’s trying
All these males have their shirts oft except Clayton. He’s kept his on. It’s saturated in sweat and sticks close to his body. His whole body is drenched with his effort.
I can smell Clayton so distinctly that it’s hard to focus, just like the way I smell Dallas, both their smells combining into ecstasy.
I wish I never agreed to the mating ceremony. I need to mark Dallas so the bond’s pull is broken with Clayton. Everything I have read about being moon blessed, the thing that? stands out the most with all the other things is that my hond with Clayton will go away. I will never feel anything for him anymore.
Clayton will be an hourglass thought whose sand has run out.
Sweat trickles down my forehead, burning my eyes.
“All you have t is beat me and I go away.” Caleb’s irritating voice taunts. Circling. around, I have no choice but to follow his movements.
The wolves around us are watching, expectations in their eyes. They know the struggle I’m facing day after day.
feel stronger, bigger, better.
“If you beat me, I’ll stop treating you like a willing female.” He leans in close, his words low, for my ears only. He’s huffing hard himself, wiping away the blood from his split lip with the back of his hand.
“You’re always saying the sweetest stuff, darling.” I knee him in the side, and he almost goes down with a long groan.