Alpha’s greatest Chapter 135

Alpha’s greatest Chapter 135

Chapter 135 

Chapter 135 

My father flings out wo 

flings out wor like useless, weak, disgusting, not a male of worth in this sanctuary where there are no eyes to witness a member of the pack raising their voice at the Alpha. All done behind closed doors as families do, no need to air the dirty laundry out 

in the open

Clayton flinging out his own words to them, saying they weren’t really there for me, not a true support when I needed them most. How does he know all this

Viciously they verbally attack each other, both holding their own ground from one another. My family is a group of mongooses going after the cobra

My once-peaceful space is gone, replaced with anger

I stay paralyzed on the couch, not reacting, not looking, barely trying to listen. Is this how it is to be in a coma, everyone talking over you thinking you can’t hear

I’m lost in my own madness

They come to some form of a compromise once the rage has been burned out

No one will leave me alone. Someone’s always here with me. I still can’t talk, I can’t eat,


It’s funny, no matter how bad you feel, the world still keeps going on with or without you; the world keeps moving regardless if you can’t

This is what love does. It builds you up, then it quickly destroys you

Week two 

Fingers twitching, eyes start to focus in and out


The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake 

Chapter 135 

Soft energy surrounds me, hands running through my hair when I wake up

Why are you here?His fingers stop. My head’s resting on his lap. It’s comforting in a sick 


I just couldn’t walk away again. I couldn’t do nothing. I have to do something for you.A tear rolls down my cheek, darkening a spot on his shorts. He’s a little too late

F don’t want you here.” 

I know.Getting up, he puts my head on a pillow, covers me with a blanket. I remain cold once his heat is taken away

It’s going to be really simple, Rya. All you have to do is start living again and I’ll go away. I’ll leave you alone.He sounds like the Valentines, the way he’s using their words against 

  1. me. Putting my mouth against the pillow, it holds my cries. Fists pound against the couch 

that do not damage the fabric

Week three 

It’s starting to become easier to talk, easier to breathe. The weight that’s pressing on my chest is lifting slightly. It’s not as suffocating

I can walk on my own, but I still cry

The world keeps going, and so do I. 

Limping progress



brush your 

teeth today? I see you never combed your hair. It’s a good look for 

you.Clayton’s taunts aggravate me

You smell like old underwear. Change your clothes.Clayton acts like he’s my friend, as if we don’t have a history together

He comes in the morning, never staying for long, then he comes before bed just to make 

The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake 

Chapter 135 

sure I’m still alive. My family comes as well, each one rotating a shift in this acute crisis

I catch Clayton by surprise one morning. He’s trying to get him as hard as I can 

takes the hit and the 

e to eat some toast, and I hit 

der than I have hit anyone in my life. I think I broke his jaw. He ones I give him until I can’t hit him anymore. It’s not making me feel better. In fact, it’s making it worse. He hugs me to him. He holds me as I cry into his chest, while he pats my back, saying it’s going to be okay, that it gets easier, I just need time. Dallas will come back for me

Backing away from him, I go into the cupboard and pull out a whiskey bottle, pouring him. and me a drink. He takes it from me, pouring it down the sink, both the glasses and the 


It won’t help, trust me.He talks like he knows what he’s saying

So now comes my verbal insults, the lashing of silver tongues on one another. All those years of rage pent up inside me comes out. Screams, accusations, blaming. Both of us screaming at the other, both of us blaming the other because things didn’t go our way

He blames me for being his mate when all he ever wanted was her. I blamed him for 


He slams the front door shut. I slam my bedroom door shut over and over again, screaming until I fall asleep still in the clothes I wore all day long

Caleb is sitting on the couch when I come out of the bedroom with Max in his arms. It must be Monday. I’ve lost track of days, one running into another, but I know when Mondays come. It’s their day together to watch this little pup. What’s going to happen when Kimberly is out of school and those males won’t have their Mondays with him anymore? Calebis going to make a good father when his time comes. That makes me cry because I won’t get to be involved with any of them. Maybe if I’m lucky I might catch a word here or there about the lives of the Valentines



Alpha’s greatest

Alpha’s greatest

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
Alpha's greatest


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