Chapter 144
“How’s Cash doing?”
“He’s still in shock, but he’s surviving.”
Tell him everything I do is for him and them.” It’s hard to get the words out.
“I will. Rya.”
Taking a few days to myself to grieve, I pull into this new pack house with a fresh supply of tea and magic pixie dust. That thought gives me a little laugh. All these wolves believing in magic and I’m the one to bring it in a special tea. It’s really ginger tea infused with vitamins. My morning sickness is just starting to grip me, and I need every trick and knowledge I have obtained with my training to be used on myself now. This is the beginning of the second month and I know I have a few hard months ahead of me.
Opening the door to this pack house stands an older looking couple, the Alpha with white hair, his mate’s skin translucent, showing her blue veins all wrinkled with age. They are older than what I’m used to in a ruling pair. They are well past their prime but continue to rule anyway. Different cultures have different ways to go about things. I once heard that mates paired for a long time even die around the same time, one from natural causes, the other from heartache.
That’s what love does: it leads to death from heartache.
The Luna places her cheek against mine, inhaling deeply before pulling away.
“Sorry for your loss.” At first, I’m not sure what she means, then realization set in: she can smell I’m pregnant without a mate’s mark. She must think my mate has died and my mark faded.
“Thank you.” That’s all I say. Let them believe what they want to believe. I’m not here to tell my life story. I’m on the trail of meat, except its milk that I’m after.
This gives me a purpose to continue on, to go from pack to pack. It’s as if I’m a wanderer but with a set goal. The ocean is just within reach, yet my path detours off course
Chapter 141
Month three has me starting to lose some weight, just a little. The craving for Dallas is
beyond what’s n My body feels unsettled, in a state of constant worry that we are no safe without his pace. All the Alphas of the packs that I visit pledge their protection to me. Nothing will touch me as long as I am in their territory. I am safe with them.
That cases my mind slightly, yet I do ask for a silver knife that I keep hidden and on me at all times. A little reminder for anyone who challenges me I will not go down easily. Teeth and claw against silver, not a fair fight, but I would do permanent damage before I’m taken
From this pack, I learn that age is valued, that the elders of the pack are the leaders, warriors are the up and coming, but it’s the elders who govern and make pack decisions with the Alpha having the final say. I’m taught to make perogies from scratch from the old
mamas. They use it as an excuse to get together and drink. It’s funny watching old female wolves getting together laughing, drinking, and talking with the filthiest mouths that I have ever heard. The stories about their youth have me blushing. They get out their phones that some have a hard time working, showing me pictures of their grandchildren.
One older wolf, who looks wobbly on skinny legs, has a devious smirk to her. Pulling out her phone, she passes it around to the other wolves, saying, “Look at the picture I had the neighbor take. I put it as my profile picture on Facebook.”
get the best
It’s her with a beer in her hand, smoke hanging out her mouth while driving a riding
lawnmower. “It drove my son crazy as soon as I put it up.” She snickers to the rest of her
friends, and they all howl with laughter. They try to one–up each other who can reaction out of their young. She won the twenty bucks this month with that picture. She
pockets the twenty in her bra, winking at the rest of the mamas.
I love watching the interaction of these loving females. Friend love is good love.
Cash’s twins are surviving. Caleb tells me that everyone is taking shifts, helping raise those
pups as if they belonged to everyone and not just Cash. Everyone has claimed them as their own. It feels good that the pack bands together in times of need, helping someone who is in need.
Community, that’s how it’s supposed to be.
The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake
Chapter 144
Rya: How are you?
My message to Cash every week is the same, yet he hasn’t answered me back. I hope he
sees my effort.
Month four has my pants just barely doing up. I can’t button them anymore. I resort to skirts and sundresses. The heat is oppressive this far south. My hair’s growing out slightly in its own messy style that’s all mine.
This is the month I feel his fishtail kicks, as he flops and twists inside me. At first, I thought it was gas bubbles, but as I really sat still, I could feel him running around in there, happy
and content.
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