Chapter 151
It’s impossible move something so rooted into the earth.
Crane comes sauntering the next morning toward me. “My turn to feed you.” He seems put out by this.
Watching him, he looks angry in a way, body tense slightly, jaw tight. A frown on his face.
“I don’t even know who you are. Who are you?” He gives me his back, walking away. His
words surround me with ice. It has more of an effect than last night’s storm that has.
entombed everything in a thick layer of ice. At least with ice, it will melt when the sun comes out: with those words they stick inside my head, playing over and over again…who
am 1?
Cash comes the next morning, both of us somber, not really wanting to move. He places the
bowl in front of me, then scratches my head before he takes a seat.
“I screwed up with her. I thought that I could just claim her and make her mine. I was so wrong. Maybe if I were nicer or maybe if I just waited for her to work her own issues out, things could have been different. I did some bad things to her, to my mate. I can make excuses saying how hard it was to lay next to her while she dreamed of him. Do you know
how that feels? What kind of way it gets you twisted up? Knowing your mate preferred
someone else.” He looks to the tree line. He smells of pups and milk, the way mothers smell.
“I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t.” He pounds the table with his open palm.
“I don’t know what to do.” He screams it out, and the birds take flight from their perches in the naked trees. The echoing of his voice crashes
- e. I want to
get close to him; I want to hold him in my arms
the still morning
way he held me. I want to do what he. did for me so long ago. The way he hand fed me, he never gave up on me when I gave up on myself. I try to speak, whimpering, barking, trying to communicate with him. He’s still looking away in his own world.
He gets up, pausing before leaving. “I’ll bring them to see you. They look like her.” His shoulders are shaking while he walks away.
15:40 C
The Alpha’s Greatest Mistake
Chapter 151.
It’s lonely out here without my family, without the ones I love. I miss Rya. Out in the wild, only thought of how to get my next meal, about surviving. It was nice to take a mental break from the skin side, but now all I can do is think in terms of skin.
Cash and my m… in their arms. The
bring me breakfast the next day holding both pup stretch their fingers out toward the Wild that holds completely still. They grab onto ears roughly, pulling and tugging, yet the Wild doesn’t make a move. It puts a nose against them; they smell as if they are being raised by many wolves instead of a mated pair. The Wild gives them each a playful lick before one grabs onto a lip, pulling roughly, making me take
step back from tiny pinching hands.
We play for a little while before they pull them away from me. I want to tell Cash that he’s right, they do look like her, except they’re smiling and happy.
My father comes the next day, crouching down, testing us. We are no threat to him. We aren’t naïve now to the nature inside of him.
“You remind me so much of me when I was your age, it’s scary. One day you will have it all. but do you really want it? Do you really know what all this means?” He stands to his full height, arms outstretched, doing a small circle around until he faces me again.
“You were just a pup when I beat my father. Just so small you fit in the palm of my hand.” His lips turn up in a smile that makes his face seem less lethal, but I know better,
“I knew a day would come when we would have to spar. It’s inevitable. That’s the way packs work, but when I tell you you’re not ready, listen to me. I will never lead you astray. I’m going to teach you everything I know, everything my father taught me, and his father has taught him, but you have to be prepared to listen and take advice.” His hand goes behind my ears, scratching them roughly as if to say, No hard feelings. I handed your ass to
Cash comes again the next day. “I understand how you could have done it. I never could
understand what would make someone try to take their own lives, but I understand it now.
It’s such an empty feeling you have inside. It hurts right here.” He points to where his heart
beats in his chest.
“Thank the moon for my pups. It’s funny how bad you can hurt but at the same exact time feel so much joy. It’s hard for me. Do you know what Rya did for them?” I shake my head. while stretching my limbs that are in need of a good run.