Alpha’s greatest Chapter 160

Alpha’s greatest Chapter 160

Chapter 160 

the moment

der wight A crack in that deep voter of his. A pause in breath. before he continues to tall. She was his everything, and she 

Dual you don’t come back from

To sorry. Clayton. Po sorry for you loss.” 

he’s getting easier. It’s still hard, but it’s getting easier for me. How’s Cash doing?My 

Pm not sure I’ve left messages for him, but he hasn’t called me back. I don’t think he wants to talk to me. Maybe I did something wrong.I wish I could have talked with Cash one last time before cutting ties with all the Valentines. It’s for the best; their brother has moved on, and I shouldn’t keep calling them anymore. It’s like I’m just trying to keep contact to hold on to just a thread of him in some way. It’s wrong no matter how good friends we are, plus i don’t want to hear that he’s with another she wolf. Not while I’m carrying his pup inside me

That I will not be able to handle

I’m sure Cash has a lot of things to sort out. He’ll call you when he’s ready. Don’t think for one moment that you did something wrong. He understood the situation was not your fault even though he blamed you for it in the beginning for not fighting for what was yours.” 

How do you know that?I’m surprised he knows so much about what happened between 

Cash and me

Caleh and Dallasthey kept me informed while I was healing. They said if I was to get everything all at once, I would go nuts.” 

True, I guess it’s better for one brick to hit you at a time than the whole wall.He laughs with my wording 

Something like that.He yawns

Chapter 100 

I heard what you did for him and those pups, We sent them milk too.” 

I couldn’t let them die no matter what I thought of Kennedy, they deserved a chance to live. She wasn’t that bad; I just couldn’t be her friend.The taste of bitterness that I have fo those two has lef entirely, replaced with a growing sadness for them

Understandable.He’s quick with the response. You’re a good wolf, Rya, You’re smart to put that all together. I don’t know how you were able to manage 

I called in some favors.That’s all I’m going to tell him, no need to get into great detail

Ry things were different.I can taste his regret over the line. Its deep, heavy flavor lingers in the back of my throat, almost painfully

Me too, Clayton. I should go. Thanks for talking with me.” 

No problem. Anytime you need to talk, call me.” 

Bye, Clayton.” 

Bye, Rya.The line goes quiet. His voice acted as a muscle relaxer to my tight fibers

loosening me up

The moon’s natural pill for a pregnant female

Before drifting off in

slumber bliss, another thought enters my mind: I need to call my 

mother. I need to talk with her, just not yet

A slate grey morning greets me. I take my tea out on the deck, curling up on a deep chair the best I can. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders, the breeze gently lifting the edges. up. The waves are rolling in one after the other in a sea of neverending movement. I’ve been doing this every morning for the past three days since my arrival here; I will never get 

tired of watching the water

Rya.I didn’t ever hear her approach; she knows how to walk in silence

Belac.I straighten myself out until I’m standing to greet her


The Aluha’s Greati 

I just was making the rounds and thought that I would make sure you haven’t birthed tha beast yet.She points her finger at my belly that’s bulging out front and center. Rubbing hand over the male that’s nesting inside me has the smile op my face widening 

No, he’s not rea 

be heard

et, but soon.I hear someone else approach loudly, as if they want to 

A she wolf rounds the corner wearing glasses, which is odd for a wolf. She’s smaller than a female should be, warily sniffing around until she’s standing just behind Belac but looking at me. I can see Belac’s hand on this timid she wolf’s shoulders. It’s as if she’s trying not to 

shake too much

Putting up a good front

See, not so hard, was it?Belac whispers in her frightened ear. The smell of heavy silver is on this wolf; she’s saturated in it, making me sneeze with the noxious fumes

This is Treasure.She pulls her out from behind her back. This is Rya; she’s going to be staying with us for a while. Go ahead and greet her like I showed you.This poor female is so full of selfdoubt that I think at any moment she will either pee herself or vomit. She takes a step toward me, looking at Belac, who gives me the hardest stare I have ever 



Alpha’s greatest

Alpha’s greatest

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
Alpha's greatest


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