Chapter 162
“Do you think
uld do that to you?” My mother’s the voice of reason.
“I’m not sure anymore. I don’t know” My voice is filled with doubt
to in
Ton need to tell him, Rya”
“I know, I will, soon. Very soon.” I need to change the subject
“I mailed you a postcard. You should get it in a few days.”
“Kya, I’m happy for you. Things have a way of working themselves out. I’m glad you told me before the pup is born. Is it female or male?”
“Male, and he’s a big one.” I’m already boasting about my pup.
“Male. I cannot wait to meet this little one. Can I come see you?
“When I have him, yes. You can come for a visit. I just need some time to get everything ready first. I don’t want you telling anyone yet because Dallas doesn’t know, and I think 1 need to be the one to tell him.
“I promise, Rya, I won’t even tell your father until you give me the okay.” I believe what she
“I’m going to go now, but I just wanted you to know.”
“Rya, thanks for telling me. I can’t wait to see you and him.”
“Bye, Mom. Thanks for understanding.
“Bye, Rya.” I end the call feeling way better than when I started the conversation
A symphony plays outside, seagulls squawking and crying as they dip and glide effortlessly.
on the murmuring breeze. The tide rolls in with unstoppable force, waves rising and falling
ma Babbling me. The crystalline blue waves look sharp and clear even with the coming
The sat sh
ready embedded firmly into my pores. I smell almost like a local wolf pped away the last of my homeland scent. No pines, no maples, no oaks nothing wind swept ocean and gritty sand remains on me.
Walking the picturesque town, signs are up in most of the stores reading“Closed for the Season, See you in the Spring” scribbled on white sheets of paper taped to the inside of the
ie window trouts
It’s a ghost town with only a few shops remaining open for the community that lives here. all winter long.
Ambling into the only restaurant that remains open, the little bell chimes, announcing my arrival.
It took one month before I could sit with the wolves at their round table. It started out slow, the group of six sniffing at me the first time I entered their claimed breakfast joint. They were skittish, wary, on high alert. I sat on the sidelines, at the back, with no view of the water, ordering breakfast for one. Quietly watching them, I listened and learned all I could. 1 came the next day and every day after that, slowly edging my way to sit at the table just behind them. By then they used to my smell and understood I wasn’t going away, but the most important thing, I was no threat.
The day finally came where I was invited to sit with them as if I always was a part of their pack.
They remind me of wildflowers, mismatched, unassuming, yet put together they’re a. beautiful bouquet. They are of the hardy variety, all transplants from different areas. These wolves are the runts, omegas, lesser wolves of the packs they’ve come from. Somehow they found a place here with Belac, and underneath her rule they’ve flourished. The once beaten. and neglected have grown into highly skilled prized winning wolves. Any pack would be proud to have them.
Belac has a way of turning the defeated into the undefeated.
This is how new packs are formed. Little by little, wolves gather, becoming a bigger and bigger group.
Stepping side the cher, an exiness is in the air without any more forced sites gbog me this is no hipster heaven, this is grease and cotto stamed tables with banter and bossing Font mouthed beasts with quick witted tongues Highly intelligent minds, but Jacking the b
match, that’s why they all carry silver
I take my spot at the table. They ve welcomed me without judgment. All have stated sorry For my loss, all my response is to say thank you.
la sits in her usual s