Chapter 166
I can tell Dall
cking in the positioning of him, the way his hand goes around every curve of his yg. He feels his head, shoulders, bum. He pushes back on feet that poke at his hand. He places his nose against my bare skin, kissing my belly, He pulls great lungfuls of scent through his nose, imprinting his smell.
The places his ear against the skin, eyes closed and listening. We sit like this calmly without words to muddle the moment.
My hand goes into his hair that he’s letting grow out again.
“I’m sorry, Rya.”
So am I, Dallas.”
He cries into i
stomach, tears dripping down, soaking into the waistband of my skirt. His
arms wrap around my lower back, just holding me close.
Trepidation creeps inside me on tiptoe.
“Your father?” Barely a whisper comes out of my mouth.
“Alive.” The sound is muffled; his lips are pressed against the exposed skin of my abdomen. The male inside me finally quiets down, exhausting himself to sleep with all the showing off he was doing for his father.
Exhaling the breath I was holding in, I give silent thanks to the moon for her mercy.
“I’m so sorry that this happened to him. I feel that this is my fault. If I just would have told you in the first place…” Guilt threatens to restrict my vocal cords with each word I say. I love that Silverback Alpha; he’s a good wolf. One of the few males 1 have ever met that 1 completely trust.
“It wasn’t your fault, Rya. He made a choice. He knew what he was doing when he took those knives that female was throwing my brother’s way. I’ll have to go back in a little while
The Alpha’s teatest Mustaka
Chapter 166
to check on him. We need to talk first.” He’s looking at me, glacier blue eyes that bind me to him, his hands never leaving his male.
“I’ve missed so much.” He says this quietly to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. Great waves of desp ll off of him, crashing into me.
Quicksand sets in. I’m sinking in my own emotions that are gripping me firmly by the ankles, slowly climbing up my calves as I sink deeper and deeper inside myself.
“You’re right, we need to talk.” I’m holding his eyes now with mine. He can’t look away
“Rya, I was so wrong. I should have stayed that day. I shouldn’t have left like that. I wasn’t thinking properly. I was mad and only thinking of myself. I wanted to hurt you the way I was hurting. It was the wrong decision.”
“Actually, Dallas, looking back, I’m glad you left. It forced me to do things I never thought. I’d get a chance to do on my own. I feel I’ve changed.” Even on his knees, he’s taller than me. He’s physically grown so much. Leaning into him, inhaling his scent, it’s so naturally calming to my nature. I could get drunk on it.
“It looks like you’ve changed so much.” His fingers touch my hair that’s just barely able to
tuck behind my ears.
“I have.” I believe what I just said. I still have issues, but I know that I can survive in this world without anyone holding me up anymore. I can hold myself up. I’ve learned from my heartaches; it’s made me more rugged, a survivor with a calloused heart.
“I was wrong 1 keep this from you for so long, but you were gone, and I had no way of contacting you. I was hoping once you returned home that the first thing that you would have done was call.” I hold my eyes to his. He’s paying complete attention to every word I’m
“Then I found out that you’d been home for two weeks without calling me. I didn’t want to be a burden to you. I didn’t want to be that female who can’t let a male go. You shaved your head; that was telling me enough that we were through, that you were moving on from me. Even though I didn’t want to move on from you. I made a mistake, Dallas, when I kissed. Clayton, but in a way, I’m glad it happened. I always had this unfinished business with him. The what if’s, even though he’s hurt me so bad. I still always wondered what it would be
The Alpha’s
Chapter 100
like to kiss him. The kiss was incredible, it was everything that I dreamed it would be, but
here’s the thing…it wasn’t you. It was just the bond pulling me to him, nothing more.” He’s not saying a word, just watching and letting me talk, absorbing everything in.
“I have no 1 with him. That part of my life I can say is completely over. I have moved on from the mirage of him. He’s a wolf who’s my friend, nothing more. I wish him well in
the future, but my future will not involve him. I will never go back to that pack, ever. I don’t
feel as if it’s my home anymore. I don’t belong there. I haven’t belonged for a very long gime.” Letting go of my past is the most important step in creating the best future possible.
ve learned from it, it made me a stronger wolf, but I will not let it weigh me down any