Chapter 191
Today there is no need to make any decisions. We’ll go down, have some dinner, come back here, and go to bed early. Tomorrow we will start a new day, then the day after that is our THE day. We will get you through that question together. One day, hopefully, in the future you will come to understand and trust in my answer enough to mark me as yours, and I will be waiting here patiently for that day to happen.” The purest sound of his truth speaks out of a body that is firm and unbending in his beliefs
We are taught to believe things, and going against those beliefs is never pay ||
Looking at Dallas, really looking at him, do I put my views in my teaching of the Moon and trust his teaching of the Moon?||
As he says, no decision should be made on my part today. What I will do is watch, listen, and learn:[]
Getting up from the rocking chair. I go into the bathroom, wiping my eyes and Exce. Taking a deep breath, I follow Dallas out of the bedroom, walking down the stairs. All his family la there. and no one is speaking|||
Caleb is sitting by one of the high chairs feeding a twin, while Cash is in the middle of the twins feeding the female. The little male, Ken has the hair on his head dipped very short. Looking toward Chance, he will start to wear the hair that’s growing out on his head short as well, just like this pack believes a male should wear it.[]
By the way, they are acting, but they probably heard every streamed word to Dallas, all my accusations flying out for their ears to grab onto ||
Dallas sits on his father’s left while I take the seat next to Dallas. During dinner there is an awkwardness, forks scraping loudly on plates. They are talking to each other with their eyes, bur hardly anyone speaks
Dallas holds Chance against has
has shoulder while he starts to eat. For some reason I just can’t put food into my mouth, so sit there staring at my plate full of food.
“Little Moon, at our table all you have to do is eat, that’s all.” The Silverback speaks in a low tone but still vibrates outward profoundly
“Rya, I’m sorry I have no pictures on the wall of you. It was just so soon. You arrived, then gave birth. I wasn’t thinking correctly. For that, I am sorry. When you feel up to it, we can go through pictures of you and tell me what one you like the best and til have it mounted and put up“]
“I don’t want you to put it up just because you beard I was upset about it.“]
“Rya. I want to put it up. I just overlooked doing it. I wanted to get the nursery dane first, so you didn’t have to worry about things not being ready” Luna Grace’s expression holds how upset the in with herself
This has to be difficult for you right now. I remember how after having my first male how upset I was that my mate missed the birth. “Luna Grace gives the Silverback a scathing look; his shoulders flinch with just a solid look from her eyes
“It took a long time to forgive him for that, to be all alone as I pushed him out with only my hands to catch him with while he was puffing and strutting out the doctor who was supposed to help me.” A little gagring sound is coming from Crane.]
“Mom, I’m eating dinner, no birth talk, especially from you” Crane’s voice holds how his appetite is being ruined as he sets his fork down. Luna Grace is quick with her rebuttal to her youngest a quick throw of her butter knife hits him dead center in his chest. No real damage wasdone, hur enough to say you better shut your mouth, I’m telling a story, and I don’t like to get interrupted
“I was saying, kya.“Luna Grace lifts up her lip at Crane, who’s pulling the burner knife out of his chest; it didn’t go in deep, just a minor Desh wound]
that he would be there for me. I had doubts that he couldn’t be what I needed in my time of greatest need. I was very conflicted” Luna Grace is giving me a
“Aher that epiade. I didn’t trust that Lile piece to her past
With tuw, my mate did show me that he has mended his ways and I began to trust that he would never make the same mistake twice” The Silverback picks up Luna Grace’s the top of it, putting it against his cheek before putting it down on the table, and continues to hold it firmly in his monster grasp
“With your question about the Moon, who does my son walk with? That’s debatable. We could gather multiple packs together, have discussions and great debates about this very thing, and when we all leave at the end of the day, the question still will hold no answer to it. 1 believe you are my son’s mate now and in the Moon My personal beliefs about who we walk, within t Moon is this. My birth pack taught me that we are born many times over and over. Evolving and learning through our new births, We have many mates who have many mates that are al connected to the moon. I still believe in this teaching. That’s my views. Now my mate will tell you different about his beliefs. It don’t mean I am wrong or he is wrong it just shows that there are so many possibilities about the Moon that no one knows for sure until they get there.” Luna Grace’s words bold truth; no one knows for sure until they are dead.