Twanted to do this myself. Cassia’s voice pulls me out
“We want to come, plus Cars and Cottom didn’t go to the party last night. The Lou was excited for all of us to come as soon as possible. She has a beta that has h
been rejected by his mate, and her son lost his mate a few years ago. There are two available females there as well” ya points all the reason that all of them should go, and Cassis relents with a nod of his head.]
Tready. Are you guy?” Dallas is letting the pop
out the front door first with their suitcases on wheels. Caleb nudges the shoulder of Cottom before going out the door. Cottom dse not move. Not even link. He lets the male go by him. Never provoke Caleb.||
Comom found out the hard way when he tried to joke about the situation between them, Caleb was laughing Hasno jester. [|
Caleb destroyed Contos e Talhad to pull him off the male who couldn’t get off the ground after the altercation Currently, they are trying to find Cottom a new pack to go to Clayton’s pack seems like the perfect fit but Caleb visits that pack a lot.[]
Cottom doesn’t want to leave until Bele comes back, but I’m afraid for him if he stays. The video is escalating. He wants to say his goodbyes to our leader of the Wildflower gang, as Rya likes to call het. To her, we are Willemors
I you coming?” I shake my head no
Everyone makes it outside: Caleb is holding onto Dee’s hand while trying to keep the two small makes out of the front ditch. He runs toward me. “Aren’t you and open up the passenger side door to Casshes’s truck.
Youre coming Cass frown
Inod my head. looking straight ahead while clicking my seatbelt.
“You shouldn’t come, Spers His hand squeezes into a fist. I want to ask him why, but the armor of my seath keeps everything inside; nothing is able to scape through the small gaps
The drive quit. He doesn’t talk over the radio like he always does when its hum and minide of terr
I watch the way has fingen grip the steering wheel, flexing his hands at times. He actually checks his face in the mirror, and 1 want to tell him he’s beautiful. The words stick like thick syrup in my throat is hard to swallow
Letter 3
Dallas is back without Rys and I
I can’t help but feel relief for Clayton
I hope Clayton is happy I hope y can forgive him. After all, she forgave me in her own way, didn’t she?
I would be lying if I said I was jealous. I am. I am so jealous it’s hard to breathe. I hate her a wasn’t that jealous of her, the wasn’t anything I should be jealous of and Clayton didn’t really seem affected too much by the hand. [
most of the time. I hate her so much my gut hurts. When I found out Ry was Clayton’s mate. I
We were cruel to her, we were cruel, and looking back, cruelty in what love should be
My jealousy grew over the years, as she grew. We didn’t see her a lot, but when we did, I would watch Clayton and see if he was affected by her. Sometimes I would catch him staring at her. Ed catch how more and more his eyes couldn’t look away from her. Then she went away and I prayed she’d stay away.
Every time
Time Clayton tried to mark me, my hatred for kya grew. The mark never stayed, and after some time, it hurt to be bitten by him. It hurt so bad that I had to tell him he couldn’t try to mark because I couldn’t take the pain from his bite. When your teeth work into my neck. I thought I actually could die from pleasure; it was so intense that I came. You fall me come with your teeth dog deep. Your mark stayed and fucking hated you for it, but deep down, I wanted you to do it again and again so I could pretend it was Clayton that was doing it to me.
Thated Bys when my heat came. Clayton couldn’t get me pregnant. We would pray to the Moon together to give us a miracle at first, then we would curse the Moon for her selfishness. Clayton and I could have made a beautiful family. ||
Fm looking down at my belly right now, watching the twins move inside n
me, and sometimes I pretend they are Claytons, and you are just a dream, a terrible dream
You thought things would change when I became pregnant, that I’d come around. The look on your face when you found out I tried to get rid of them. All I ever wanted was to be a mother. and here I was trying my best to kill what was inside me. You took the silver hook from my hand and 1 honestly thought you would put it through my throat. I begged you to do it.