Chapter 73
A flash of white, sharp teeth almost bites her fingers eft. His milf might not be thie in avend yet bon a very smal part has past shown Kennely what it inets to do in her. He wants to eat the hand that was just touchung
antry from me?“His jave muscles wich with the aft of trying to stay dhembed
Heirshows her struggle. She looks down at her finger. A very real and in
Love be. She needs to be carefuleres her body will be scared with that kind of love
Wat she put in the effort it will take to contine his so that she’s the one for Hint Will the put on their irim?)]
“Kenny“” Kimberly run into her heathers healing room and into Kennedy’s arms, pressing her nose into her neck. The mined you smith.” They are holding each other in dose. Kennedy is stroking her hair now, soothing this sma premant female’s emotions
Caches against the door frame,ly for Clayton
( now!” Dallas’s vostre is even with no infection in tone, meant to tend to Cash straightens slightly, king at Kennedy)
“You promised me, Kenny. You promised to halp if this happened I need you” All of our beads til sightly at this young female’s word
“What did the prose to help you with?” Clayton’s eyes are on Kennedy, yet he asked Kimberly the
A prcular Berling starts to crawl underneath my son, prickding down my spine
y the question.
Sed me she would treat my pupke her. That you and she would see yours I did have worry about anythingHidden froth are created
Dingast rolls through me. Kennedy was willing to risk the death of Kimberly, her krver’s mindre. She was wiling to posibly sacrifice a bite so she could raise a life as her eval()
Truth can be disgusting somrimes, al in the name of line]
“What did you do?” Chapots eyes now realy look at Kennedy, seeing her without the glamour that blued here to him. He’s seeing thei his mouth is burned down, his stum filing the room now, making me vont to breathe through my n
1 never did anything “She can’t meet his eyes, a be from these vocal roeds, that shake nightly
“What did you do?” he reprati
naked truth in all its repahive gay. You can be
Your he’s thinking this by the way
Her guilty eyes dam around the room, while the stil holds Kimberly to her chest. Cash traightens up, looking at her with dupat, & prowd escapes his throat, fist clenched at this side.
Tell him Cash reddaved themeng mad 1 eye him up and do, leaning up against the will, ni ithe needs it to keep himself it
wondering when he will quit, what his braking point is, what it will take for him to the may what the moon so precisoly gave him? Bri Does this new light in her charter his knew weak, pait not in a good way
Her sharp eyni fach to Cash. She can hide her disgust for this male who’s supposed to be her biggest treasure
“You unlocked the door, didn’t you? It was you!” The light switch must be furring in his brain, putting everything together, illis eyes travel up and down bis everything, looking at her un diskelet
the’s been holding or the fact that she put his sister’s life at risk for their lover?||
“Let me explain.” Now the tum to plead with a lover who don’t want to hear anything her famished mouth has to say. Tears leak down her reddened cheeks, and a se escapes beräps as she tries to get the words out. She takes her head to him. He looks for hest that kingfinger
His hands humang sa fists, he pulls on the chains that are attached to the bed holding him in his place
ace thick ble molasses trying to get drain, sow and expos, as if she trying to find the right des to spec. Except we can see the be that’s standing stagnant
sokat ter in such disgust it’s hard not to inch away. Great riding waves of rage for that female is lighting a fire imide him. In ser tremer in hs hand as he pushes himself away from Clayton i bieg. He takes a step toward the two males who are still bolting each other. A growd roars out of the haur of his chest that has us all shaking except Clayton, he’s rejong has best to get out of those leather cut that hot supero me bed
The situation is quickly dedung spinding downward as the new Alpha sapsnerth tow
dence when without honor in das muka. Such priaping feelings of ensinog are thrustering to overtake tin
I can actualy feel my insides darken with his need to end a well who tainted with an incurable
Clayton is prating with more strength, the steel bed shaking and eating with the force of hum yung to get tree as jaters such