Denol Tech and Soaring Tech both operated in the competitive world of online marketing and promotion. Along with two other firms, wo were invited by a major client to present our proposals and compete for their business.
In the elevator on the way up, I ran into Leonard for the first time in half a year. He looked as sharp as ever, but there was a noticeable weariness in his features. Rachel trailed behind him, her usual cold and indifferent expression settling in the moment she saw me.
Leonard’s expression was more complicated. He opened his mouth as if to say something, ut in the end, he sighed quietly and stayed silent.
Six months ago, Leonard had humiliated me as he forced me out of the company. I had expected to feel hatred upon seeing him again. But now, I realized I couldn’t summon it. Instead,
Ma mix of emotions swirled in my chest.
I didn’t know why I couldn’t hate him. Yet life was truly unpredictable. The man I once swore
to stand beside forever was now my rival.
As expected, Leonard and the other two firms were eliminated. Soaring Tech, the company represented, emerged victorious.
This project was crucial for Leonard, especially after Denol Tech’s failed IPO. When the
decision was announced, his face turned ghostly pale.
Outside the conference room, he bit his lip and glared at me, his voice taut with frustration. “Joining our rival company and stealing our clients? This is revenge, isn’t it, Cecilia?”
-I couldn’t help but laugh. “Mr. Bower, you’re giving yourself and Denol Tech far too much credit. Even if I hadn’t come today, do you really think you could have outcompeted the other
Let me be blunt: Denol Tech only got this far because of the team Iled. Without me, it’s nothing, and deep down, you know that.”
Leonard’s face darkened further. He opened his mouth as if to argue but couldn’t seem to find the words. His eyes reddened, brimming with a mixture of regret, sadness, and indignation.
How laughable. It was he who had teamed up with his childhood sweetheart to push me out of the company. And now he wanted to play the victim?
Before I could say anything more, Rachel stepped forward, positioning herself protectively in front of Leonard. ‘Cecilia, stop inflating your own worth. Without Leonard, you’re nothing.
“So what if you got this one project? We’ll get ten, twenty more tomorrow. Just wait. Soon enough, you and your little Soaring Tech will be crushed under our feet!”
I laughed outright at her delusion. Back when I was still at Denol Tech, all the groundwork for the IPO had been meticulously prepared, and yet she and Leonard had managed to bungle it. If she couldn’t even handle that, how could she possibly think she could surpass me?
I didn’t bother wasting any more words on the two of them and turned to leave.
A while later, Maddie called, her voice brimming with exasperation. “Cecilla, please, just
poach me already. If I stay here any longer, I might end up jobless!”
12-08 Mon, 16 Dec
face darkened further. He opened his mouth as if to argue but couldn’t sedi to find the words. His eyes reddened, brimming with a mixture of regret, sadness, and indignation.
How laughable. It was he who had teamed up with his childhood sweetheart to push me out of the company. And now he wanted to play the victim?
Before I could say anything more, Rachel stopped forward, positioning herself protectively in
front of Leonard. “Cecilia, stop inflating your own worth. Without Leonard, you’re nothing.
“So what if you got this one project? We’ll get ten, twenty more tomorrow. Just wait. Soon enough, you and your little Soaring Tech will be crushed under our feet!”
I laughed outright at her delusion. Back when I was still at Denol Tech, all the groundwork for the IPO had been meticulously prepared, and yet she and Leonard had managed to bungle it. If she couldn’t even handle that, how could she possibly think she could surpass me?
I didn’t bother wasting any more words on the two of them and turned to leave.
A while later, Maddie called, her voice brimming with exasperation. “Cecilia, please, just poach me already. If I stay here any longer, I might end up jobless!”
She didn’t hold back as she continued her rant. “Denol Tech used to be a decent place, but ever since Rachel showed up, it’s been a complete disaster. She’s dumber than my dog!
She doesn’t understand proposals, can’t get data right, and anytime something goes wrong she dumps the blame on us. Worse, she’s constantly firing people! A bunch of our colleagues have already been let go for no reason.
Just today, I spent three months locking in a major client, only for that idiot to offend them in
five minutes!
And this isn’t the first time. Over the past six months, she’s managed to drive away 60% of ou clients. The remaining 40% are probably next.”