happen now. I was still reaching for my dreams.
She wasn’t my problem anymore.
Mom sighed again. “Exactly. Who knows what
next year will bring. Ethan, you and Sarah were
so close. Her mom asked if you could talk to
her, help her with the stress.”
“I can’t help her.” I wasn’t getting involved in
her drama again. She could deal with the
Consequences herself
consequences herself.
I tried to avoid Sarah, but she came looking for me. One weekend, while my parents were out, she knocked on our door. “You’ve always been there for me, Ethan. Please, help me.” The same old song and dance. She only
remembered me when she needed something.
“I have to study,” I said, trying to close the
She stuck her arm in the doorway. I gave in, let
her inside. The moment she sat down, she burst
into tears.
“I’m pregnant.”
I dropped my glass, shattering it on the floor.
“Ethan, I can’t afford an abortion. You know my
parents are strict, I spend all my allowance on
cigarettes. I have nothing.”
“Lend me a few thousand dollars. I’ll pay you
back, I promise.”
“I don’t have that kind of money,” I said
She grabbed my arm, eyes brimming with tears. “You’ll figure something out! You’re so smart!”
I shook my head. “I can’t.”
She stood up, accusing. “We grew up together! How can you be so heartless? I know, you hate me for choosing him, not you. But Ethan, you can’t force feelings. I’ve always seen you as a brother, my favorite brother.”
She was projecting. I wasn’t that petty. I knew
the consequences of helping her.
“Does Jake know?” I asked.
She ran a hand through her hair, agitated. “He
doesn’t! And he doesn’t get to know! I gave him
everything, and he dumps me! I’ll make him
regret this! He’ll know he killed his own child!”
I was speechless. “Stop reading those trashy
novels. He won’t regret it. If I were you, I’d tell
my parents.”