I forwarded the message to Chad and turned
off my phone.
There were a lot of procedures I had to
complete. When I turned my phone back on, I
had a call from Chad’s mom.
Her voice was shrill and accusatory.
“Lindsey! Where have you been? Chad’s in jail
because of you!”
I frowned. “What happened?”
She was practically shaking with rage. “What
happened? What did you send him? He
started a fight out of nowhere! Tiffany and
the boys couldn’t hold him back!”
“Now the cops are questioning him! I’m out of
town, get over there and see what’s going on!
What kind of wife are you anyway? I bet
you’re just jealous again!”
I didn’t get a chance to respond before she
hung up.
When I arrived at the police station, Chad had
already settled with the other party.
He was covering the scratches on his face.
Seeing me, he hurried over.
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“Lindsey you gotta bear me out It’s not what
“Lindsey, you gotta hear me out. It’s not what
you think!”
“It was just a drinking game! Everyone was
doing it! That girl just misunderstood, so she
took that video.”
Tiffany looked apologetic, but she couldn’t
hide the triumph in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Lindsey. We’ve known each
other forever, we’re used to that. I swear,
there’s nothing going on between me and
Before I could say anything, the hostess
limped out of the police station, spat at
“You’re disgusting!”
Tiffany turned white. Chad glared at the
hostess, his fists clenched.
Tiffany teared up, acting like she was so hurt.
“Lindsey, you have to believe me. We’re just
I nodded.
“You’re just friends.”
“Okay, okay, let’s just go home,” Chad said,
trying to smooth things over.
I opened the passenger door. A kid was
sitting there, making faces at me.
“Bad lady! You’re mean!”
The borch words sounded even meaner
The harsh words sounded even meaner
because it came from a child.
“Tommy! That’s not nice!”
Tiffany looked at Chad, but he didn’t react.
She turned back to me. “He doesn’t know
where he heard it. I’m so sorry. He just likes
Chad so much. You can’t blame him because
Chad is such a great guy. He was burning
with fever the other day and wanted Chad to
stay with him.”
“Chad would be a great dad!”
I didn’t react like she expected. I just nodded.
“You’re right.”
Chad’s face darkened. He said slowly, “Then
why don’t you drive so Leon sit in the book
why don’t you drive so I can sit in the back.
with Tommy and Tiffany.”
He was trying to get a rise out of me, make
me jealous.
Seeing the three of them standing together, I
didn’t feel anything.
Chad wasn’t the same person who could
make me feel things.
Tommy didn’t realize anything was wrong, so
he thought he helped his mom win Chad
back, looking as happy as Tiffany.
The three of them piled in the back. Tommy
sat in the middle. They almost looked like a
Chad looked tense the whole time.
Tiffany tried to break the tension. “Lindsey,
Mark and the boys always said you were
jealous. You’re not that type of person. Not at
I was driving, so I just nodded.
Tiffany seemed encouraged.
“Chad’s the best guy. He’s always taking care of us. Tommy doesn’t have a dad, and he’s always wanted a dad. Could Chad take us to
Adventureland next Sunday?
“Tommy will be there, so I’m sure we won’t do
anything inappropriate.”
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I stopped the car, turned around, and smiled.
“Sure. You don’t have to ask me. He’s an
adult, he can do whatever he wants.”
Chad’s face was turning even redder. He opened the door for Tiffany and Tommy. After
he said goodbye to them, he came back to
the driver’s seat with a dark look.
I moved to the back.
“Why aren’t you in the front? Are you mad?”
I shook my head.
“I’m just tired.”
Without Tiffany and Tommy, the car went
silent, so silent that it almost suffocated me.
Chad couldn’t help himself.
“This is the last time. After this, I’ll talk to
Tiffany and Tommy. Just trust me, okay?”
He looked hopeful. I nodded. He let out a sigh
of relief.