Broken Happiness Ch 1

Broken Happiness Ch 1

Broken Happiness 


Eight months pregnant, and my husband’s 

trying to strongarm me into donating my 

corneas to his childhood sweetheart

I blew up

No way was I losing my eyesight, especially 

as a surgeon

He lost it, shoved me down into the 

basement, just to give me a taste of what it’s 

like to be blind

You messed up Ashley’s vision, so you’re 

gonna pay! See how you like being in the 



Claustrophobia kicked in, and I panicked

begged him to let me out

He just sneered. Getting scared now, huh

Ashley was right, should’ve put you in your 

place before the kid came along, so you 

wouldn’t get any ideas about pulling the 

mommy cardand acting like you’re so 


To really freak me out, he had some goons 

board up the last window in the basement

Fear triggered contractions

A ripping pain started, and my baby was born 

right there on the cold concrete floor

I begged them to help my kid, but all I got 

was a lecture on how dramatic I was being

Then, to really twist the knife, he ordered 

them to cut off the oxygen to the basement

You hurt Ashley’s feelings, so when she’s 

feeling better, I’ll think about letting you out.” 

Later that night, he was giving blind Ashley

bath, all gentle and tender. Hazel still won’t 

budge? How’s Ashley gonna see again if she 

doesn’t sign the donor form?” 

Hand her the papers. It’s an honor for her 

corneas to go to Ashley. What is she even 

hesitating about?” 

The housekeeper was standing in the 

doorway, shaking like a leaf

Sir, Mrs. HayesI don’t think she can sign 


SirIt’s been awfully quiet in the basement 

for a long time, and she’s not answering. I’m 

afraid Mrs. Hayesmight be gone.” 

Chad snapped, annoyed

That’s just Hazel being a drama queen again

always acting. She’s faking it. She’ll agree to 

give Ashley her eyes when she’s really 


The housekeeper went white, her voice 


Sir, Mrs. Hayesshe was pregnant, she has 

claustrophobia, and we heard a baby crying

For the baby’s sake, please let her out.” 

She’s been playing the pregnancy card way 

too often lately, she makes me look bad in 

front of Ashley. I’ll show her! She won’t dare 

to challenge me if I punish her a little. The kid 

still has two months to go. I just want to 

teach her a lesson, just leave her alone.” 

The housekeeper hesitated, then picked up 

the cornea donation form from the floor and 

tossed it in the trash, walking away with 


In the bathroom, Chad was bathing Ashley

admiring her delicate features

Ashley coughed, startled by the steam

Chad nervously picked Ashley up,-who 

wrapped around Chad’s neck and cried

It’s all my fault that I’m a useless blind 

woman, making Chad work so hard.” 

Chad swiftly put her back on their 

matrimonial bed

Ashley raised her hand, about to beat her 

head, but Chad stopped her right away

Silly girl, I’m willing to do anything for you

It’s nothing compared to what you gave me.” 

Chad kissed the tear on Ashley’s cheek, dried 

her hair, and placed her on his chest

I envy Hazel, that she has a gentle husband 

like you. She’s pregnant with your child, while I’m a useless cripple.” 

I don’t want my eyes back, just please don’t 

leave me alone because of Hazel and her 

child, okay?” 


Chad pinched Ashley’s nose with his hand

Ashley is the most precious gift God gave 

  1. me. I’ll never leave you, even for a second.” 

I’ll have Hazel give you her cornea soon. If 

you want children, you can raise Hazel’s 


Ashley felt touched and couldn’t help but start 


Ashley reached for Chad’s chest and then his 


I was floating above them, looking at Chad 

swallow hard, pulling Ashley on top of him

He kept calling Ashley’s name


A wedding photo with me and Chad hung 

right above their heads

Our bed was now being used by someone 


I thought it wouldn’t hurt anymore when 

people die, but watching Chad betray me like 

this, my heart was aching

Afterward, Ashley stayed in Chad’s arms

Chad, what if Hazel finds out? She’ll never 

give me her cornea!” 

Chad wasn’t worried

Don’t worry, Hazel loves me and listens to 

  1. me. She would give me her life, let alone her 

eyes. She’ll be more obedient after what I did 

to her.” 

They breathed heavily

Yesterday, my child and I were dying in the 


The claustrophobia took over

I knocked on the basement door, begging 

them to give me some light

Chad became angry, because I was 

screaming so loudly, Ashley got worried

Chad, who told me that he’d always love me, ordered the men to take away the oxygen

My baby was suffering, and I had to fight for 

the baby

My baby was nice, and must have felt the 


He was born in the basement

I couldn’t help but scream

I can give my cornea to Ashley

I can give my life to Ashley, I can stop fighting 

for Chad’s love

Just let my baby live

There was only darkness

The water around the baby’s body became


My baby’s body grew cold

I wrapped my clothes around him, trying to 

make him warm

I was heard, and the door was about to open

when Ashley yelled

I’m sure that Hazel can simulate a baby’s cry

since she’s always listening to them in the 

hospital. She’s only eight months pregnant

how can she give birth? Chad isn’t dumb.” 

Ashley was arrogant, but became worried 

when she saw Chad

Chad, Hazel is mocking me for being 

someone who can’t be loved, that’s why

can’t have a child. I know that’s why she’s 

cursing her child just to hurt me.” 


Ashley began to cry and ran into the table

blood dripping

Chad got even more angry

Broken Happiness Novel

Broken Happiness Novel

Status: Ongoing


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