“Abigail, come quick, Dustin’s fighting in the
As soon as I heard. Iran over there
Can’t pass up a chance to see some drama.
And it was Dustin!
I’d never seen him fight anyone.
I rushed over.
Not just Dustin and Tiffany.
Brandon and that other guy, Brad, were there
Brandon saw me, eyebrows raised.
I didn’t have time to say hi, my whole
attention was on what was happening.
Dustin and Brad had just finished fighting, the
Brad was a tough fighter, hadn’t gotten hurt
too much.
Dustin didn’t know what he was doing, was all
dirty, with cuts and bruises, blood running
from his mouth.
He looked terrible.
I glanced at Tiffany.
Maybe it was just me.
But she had her arms crossed, and seemed to
be enjoying it!
Soon the teachers showed up, and took them.
to the office.
I heard that Dustin went to the cafeteria and
saw Brandon hugging Tiffany, laughing.
He thought Brandon was still trying to steal
his girlfriend.
Without a word, he picked up a chair and
smashed it over Brandon’s back.
Brad wasn’t the type to back down, he
cursed, and started fighting him.
The main characters were gone, and the
crowd broke up.
I was about to leave, but Brandon stopped
- me.
I remembered his relationship with Brad.
Luckily, he didn’t get involved, or Dustin
wouldn’t have stood a chance.
Brandon nodded toward Tiffany. “You know
that girl?”
I nodded. “Why?”
Brandon laughed. “You know why they were
I shook my head.
Brandon explained. “She came over and
started flirting with my boy Brad, so, get it?”
My eyes widened.
I couldn’t believe it.
Tiffany was even worse than I thought.
Dustin, you’re in for a world of pain!