- 21.
That night, as I lay in bed agonizing over his
proposal, Josh called. “Olivia, you need to come
back! Ashton and Ethan are at it again!” |
sighed. “Fighting again?” His voice was grim.
“It’s worse than that. Ashton’s been poaching
Ethan’s clients, offering ridiculously low rates.
It’s a lose–lose situation.” “Both their families
are scrambling to contain the damage.” “You
know, before you came back, Ashton and Ethan
were best friends. Lived close, shared interests.
Then you moved back, and things changed
between them.” “Maybe you didn’t notice, but…
Ashton likes you.” So, Ashton’s feelings were
obvious to everyone but me. I couldn’t
reciprocate. Besides his past behavior, he knew
too much about Ethan and me. He’d witnessed
our entire history. Anything romantic between
us would always be tainted by Ethan.