- 2.
I knew Olivia liked me, but I wasn’t sure how I
felt. We were too familiar. They say distance
makes the heart grow fonder, but Olivia and I
were inseparable after we met. Same middle
school, same high school, same college. I took
her for granted In college her friend confessed
her for granted. In college, her friend confessed her feelings for me. I’d had plenty of girls throw
themselves at me, but I’d never been interested.
Their cloying voices grated on my ears. Olivia’s
friend was different. Olivia liked her, so maybe I
would too. But Olivia started ignoring me after
we started dating. It bothered me. Did she not
actually like her friend? Girls were confusing. I
started dating other girls, keeping it from Olivia,
afraid she’d ignore me again. They were all
different from Olivia. My Olivia was quiet and
gentle. I kept looking for someone who
captured my attention the way she did. No one
ever came close. Then I met Summer. She
awakened a protective instinct in me.