Chapter 13
Chapter thirteen: not your barbie girl
“Well I…” Evelyn started to say.
“Evelyn please,” Her father cut in. “You just have to operate on the man, and then you come home. Like nothing ever happened.”
Evelyn smiled softly. “I get it, and yes, I’ll do it.”
He exhaled a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I’ll make arrangements for a hotel you can stay in, close to the hospital. Your mother and I can take care of the kids.”
“No no,” Evelyn said. “It’s fine, I’ll take the kids with me.”
Her father raised a brow. “Is that a good idea?”
“It’s only a few days,” she said with a smile. “It’s not long.”
“Very well. Her father said. “Logan will drive you.” Logan was one of her father’s drivers.
Logan picked Evelyn up from the hospital and they drove home to pick up the twins. Evelyn had her thoughts all over the place. Caleb’s father was kind to her, and she saw his as a father figure to her. It didn’t seem right to her to just ignore him because of her past with Caleb.
“Mommy where are we going?” Milena asked in her sweet voice.
Evelyn smiled at her. Milena’s deep blue green eyes reminded her of Caleb’s eyes, and for a moment her heart ached.
“Out of town for a few days.” Evelyn said.
“Do you have more sick people to take care of?” Lance asked, raising his head from the book he was reading. Lance beared striking resemblance to Evelyn.
“Yes,” Evelyn said. “But we’ll be back soon.”
They got to the hotel her father booked for her. After settling her kids down and giving them instructions on what to do, Evelyn headed to the hospital. She Could feel her heart pumping in anticipation. At the reception a nurse recognized her and raced up to her.
“Doctor Evelyn,” The nurse said, her voice sounding relieved. “You’re here.”
“Yes, please lead me to his room right away.”
“This way Doctor.”
Being called doctor. Evelyn could never truly get used to it.
The nurse took her to the private wards. They got into his room. The man was lying on the bed, looking frail and hooked up to various machines. The steady beep of the heart monitor was the only sound in the room. Flowers were placed all around, filling the air with a sweet, subtle scent. The man noticed Evelyn and turned his head slowly.
“Malcolm,” Evelyn said softly and held his hand. “I never thought I’d see you this way.”
“My goodness!” Malcolm exclaimed. “Evelyn?”
Evelyn nodded with a smile. “It’s me.”
“It’s been so long!” He said with a laugh. He motioned to the nurse. Evelyn cranked the bed up so that he was sitting comfortably. “How have you been?”
Evelyn smiled sadly. “I’m doing fine, a whole lot better than before.”
“Oh my dear child, I have missed you every single day! You have no idea!”
She laughed heartily. “I thought about you, and imagine my surprise to learn that you fell ill.”
“What are you doing here? You came to visit?”
Evelyn shook her head. “No, I’m your doctor. I’ll be operating on you.”
widened. “Really?! You’re now a doctor?!”
“Yes. And I….” Evelyn didn’t get to finish. The door burst open, prompting her to turn to the sound.
“Father, what exactly is going on….” A familiar voice started to say then paused. “Evelyn?”
Evelyn stared at Caleb. He walked into the hospital room holding a bag of food in his hand. His jaw dropped as he stared at Evelyn, then his father, then the nurse. Suddenly his eyes hardened and he glared at Evelyn.
“What are you doing here? Get out this instant.” He spat coldly.
Evelyn noticed he had changed. There was a certain coldness about him she couldn’t place her finger on. He looked like a shadow of himself, the light in his eyes was gone. His hair has grown longer and his face was sharper, sterner, more cold.
“Son.” Malcolm said, breaking the silence. “Evelyn is the doctor in charge of my treatment now.”
Caleb scoffed. “What?” He said. “Her, a doctor? In charge of you?”
“Yes.” Malcolm said. “Show her some respect.”
“That’s not going to happen.” Caleb shot back. He turned to the nurse. “I demand another doctor. I will not allow this unskilled woman to touch my father much less handle his treatment.”
“Excuse me?” Evelyn said, tired of keeping quiet. She got to her feet and faced Caleb. “What was that you said?”
“You heard me.” He said, raising his chin in a show of superiority.
“Unskilled? You really believe I’m that same sad and naive wife who shuddered at your every word four years ago? Do you think I’m that same woman you can speak to however you please? Do you have a medical degree? Can you open a human skull? Can you even administer a shot of anesthesia? What makes you think you’re in a position to question my skill as a doctor?!”
“Watch your tone Evelyn.” Caleb said coldly.
“No you should watch your tone.” Evelyn snapped back. “And it’s Doctor Evelyn to you.”
“Doctor…” The nurse said worriedly.
“I had to hurry down from my hospital, down here, suffering inconveniences so I can treat your father and the last thing I need right now is your blatant stupidity. A simple thank you would have been in order.”
“Evelyn…” Malcolm said, trying to diffuse the situation.
“You don’t want me to treat your father? Fine.” Evelyn said and turned to the door. She paused and turned back, staring at his shocked face. “You’d have to plead on your knees before I reconsider.” She left the room and closed the door behind her.
“What was that about?” Caleb scoffed. He placed the bag of food on the bedside table. He notices his father glaring hotly at him. “What?” He snapped.
“You will apologize to her, for disrespecting her position.”
“No way am I doing that.” Caleb said plainly. “Nurse, send another doctor.”
“I can’t do that sir.” The nurse said.
“What do you mean?” Caleb said, transferring his glare to her.
“Doctor Evelyn is the only doctor for miles who is available at this moment. We have a shortage of doctors, we had to loan her from the next town.”
Caleb deadpanned. “You have to be kidding me.”