Chapter 17
Chapter seventeen: I’ve got new rules
Caleb rushed into his father’s hospital, his heart racing wildly in his chest. He had just gotten a text from the hospital to come to the hospital immediately.
“Father!” He called out as he burst into the room, his eyes wide with horror. The sight he met made him pause and back track.
There was Evelyn talking with his father. They were laughing easily like old friends. Caleb frowned.
“What is going on here?” He asked, his gaze pointedly on Evelyn.
“What does it look like?” His father said.
Caleb sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “Do you have any idea how fast I rushed over here because I got a call?”
“What? You thought I had died?” Malcolm said.
“Yes!” Caleb exclaimed. “But you’re so clearly fine right?”
“Not by a long shot.” Evelyn said and rose to her feet. “I asked the hospital to call you over because I knew that if I did you wouldn’t show up.”
Caleb glared hotly at her. “What exactly do you want?”
“My first rule if you want this to work is this,” Evelyn said with an air of authority. “Aurelia must be banned from ever stepping foot in this hospital.”
Caleb was taken aback. “What are you talking about?”
Evelyn took her phone out of her lab Coat pocket and show it to him. There was a video of Aurelia pulling Evelyn’s hair playing. In the video Aurelia kept calling Evelyn names and hitting her. Evelyn put the phone away, a dark look in her eyes.
“She should consider herself lucky I didn’t report this to the authorities. She would be facing much more than just being banned from this hospital.”
Caleb couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed. Aurelia had assaulted Evelyn? What was going through her head exactly?!
“I’ll handle it.” Caleb said with a sigh. “What are your other rules?”
“I will send them over when I am done.” Evelyn said simply.
“You can’t possible be serious, Evelyn.” Caleb said, a hint of anger in his voice.
Evelyn raised her brow. “What ever do you mean?”
Caleb felt anger and frustration spark inside him. No one ever spoke to him this way. No one. Evelyn was seriously getting on his nerves in the worst ways possible.
“Now you’re just being haughty.” He said with annoyance.
She laughed. “Haughty?! I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘merciful.‘ If I wanted to be haughty, your little girlfriend will be in jail by now.”
Caleb glanced at his father. The man was smiling, a pleased look on his face.
“And please, remember this.” Evelyn said and stepped closer to him. They stood at the same height so she was looking directly into his eyes. “I’m granting you a favor, a very big favor. And I deserve every bit of respect from you because of it. Do well to remind your girlfriend of that”
“Very impressive my dear.” Malcolm said, his face grinning like ever before.
Caleb rolled his eyes. “You’re siding her?!” He said to his father.
“But of course! This is the first time anyone is putting you in your place.”
Evelyn giggled shyly and turned to Malcolm. “Oh please, I wasn’t doing that. I’m just giving him a fair warning.”
Malcolm just laughed. Caleb felt anger burn inside him. Evelyn glanced at him, a small smile on her red lips.
“Have a pleasant day.” She said and left.
“Father what was all that about?” Caleb asked Malcolm once Evelyn had left.
“You need to keep that Aurelia in check.” Malcolm said very sternly, his eyes flashing a warning.
“She’s not a dog to be kept in check.”
Then why is she acting like one?”
Caleb didn’t have an answer.
“And Evelyn, I’ll always remind you of how much of a fool you were to let her go. Just look at you now.”
“Father please, now is not the time.”
“I always knew she had it in her to be feisty.” Malcolm said. “Do as she says. I cannot have you putting my life in danger. Especially not because of that nobody you call Aurelia.”
“I don’t have time for this.” Caleb said and headed to the door. He paused and turned to his father. “Since you’re obvious in good health, thanks to almighty Evelyn, I am taking my leave.”
His father didn’t reply. Caleb left the hospital room.
His blood boiled with anger. He had never been so humiliated as he was today because of Evelyn. And this was all Aurelia’s fault. He didn’t know exactly who he was angry at, was it Evelyn for not bowing to his every command, or was it Aurelia for acting like a teenage girl?
Evelyn. There was a time Evelyn never spoke back to him, never went against his wishes. There was a time she did everything he asked her to do without complaint. This wasn’t the Evelyn he knew. Not at all.
Caleb drove home to find Aurelia waiting for him.
“What happened? You rushed off like that. Aurelia said and walked up to him.
“I got a call from the hospital.”
“Oh my, is your father okay.”
“Yes. He is. Is anything wrong with you?!”
“What do you mean?”
“Why would you pick a fight with Evelyn?!”
Aurelia rolled her eyes. “Oh, that.”
Do you have any idea what you’ve just done?! Acting like a spoiled child and causing a tantrum at a hospital?! Do you even know how you put my father in danger?! Evelyn was going to….
“Stop it!” Aurelia screamed. “It’s always about Evelyn isn’t it! Evelyn this, Evelyn that! You’re picking her over me! Again!”
“Are you daft?! Can’t you understand the situation at stake here?!”
“She’s your ex wife for crying out loud! Yet you’re always talking about her!” Aurelia started to sob. “Is it so hard for you to choose me?! Is it?!”
“Aurelia, you have lost your senses.” Caleb said. “Get out of my house.”
Chapter 17
“I said, get out. And do not return here till you get your senses back.