Divorcing A Billionaire Chapter 29

Divorcing A Billionaire Chapter 29

Chapter 29 

Teresa gave a reassuring nod, her smile bright. Absolutely,” she chimed

Back home, Michael was keeping things together in their empty nest. With Miriam off on a business trip, he was the sole guardian for the te bring 

Michael was unfazed by Teresa’s brief absence; he’d handled solo stints at home plenty of times and aheays kept things in order

The rhythmic beeps from the front door broke through Michael’s TV binge. He glanced over, anticipating Teresa’s return 

Before he could shout for his mom, the door’s lock system responded with a sharp, Incorrect code. Please retry? The sound of the beeps filled the 


Confusion washed over Jonathan’s face as he tried the password once more, only to be met with the same electronic refusal. After three unsuccessful tries. he let our a defeated sigh and stepped away from the door, leaving it be for the moment

Frightened. Michael swiftly reached for his kiddie phone and tried to call Teresa, urgently shouting, Mommy! Mommy!” 

Teresa’s pulse quickened as her son’s frightened voice came through the kiddie phone. What’s the matter, kiddo!” she asked, bermind immediately jumping to the worst

I in 

our house, but they 

ey didn’t kno 

know the code and then they left. I stayed inside like 

Michael’s reply was shaky. “Mommy, someone wind tried to get you told me.” 

Good job, sweetheart. I’m heading home right now. Teresa saad, trying to sound calm

She hung up and turned to Truman, her face drained of color. I need to get home. Something’s up” 

Without hesitation. Truman suggested they take his car, and they hurried to it. As they drove quickly through the neighborhood. Teresa checked the security cantera footage on her phone. She breathed casier when she recognized Jonathan 

Raising a child alone was always a challenge, and times like these really brought that home. She was relieved that the housea generous and pricey gif from her grandparentshad solid security measures in place to keep her and her son secure

Teresa quickly dialed Michael, her voice a soothing balm over the phone. Hey kiddo, don’t worry. It was just some guy who’s had a few too many and knocked on the wrong door” 

Michael’s breath whooshed out in relief. I was scared for a minute there!” 

Teresa’s laughter was light and reassuring, It’s all good, buddy. We’re safe, and he can’t get in 

Truman, behind the wheel, cast an admiring look at Teresa. Her gentleness since becoming a mom had only added to her charm, making her even more captivating

At the Rosary Estates gate, Jonathan, behind the wheel of a Maybach, kept a sharp eye on Teresa as she emerged from Truman’s car

With his gaze locked on her, Jonathan emerged from his car, tall and lean, moving with a natural grace that spoke of sophistication

Truman, a psychologist who studied human body structure, was captivated by Jonathan’s impressive physique 

an arm around Teresa’s shoulders

Long time no see. Mr. Garcia, Jonathan greeted casually, draping an arm 

He nudged Teresa with a grin, his tone playful as he questioned, You never mentioned having a meal with your friend, and what’s with the new house code?” 

Teresa pushed him away, creating a clear boundary, Jonathan, we’re divorced. Who I have a meal with isn’t any of your concern,” she stated bluntly

Jonathan, clearly embarrassed, still mastered a halfhearted thanks to Truman. Thanks for making sure Teresa got home okay

Teresa’s eyes widened with a mix of surprise and curiosity at his reaction

Truman brushed off the gratitude. It’s all good, Mr. Lynn. Didn’t feel right leaving Teresa to handle things alone.” 

Jonathan’s expression soured as he wrapped an arm around Teresa’s waist, reclaiming his presence. I was out of town for work and couldn’t be here. My bad. But you’re excused for next time. Mr. Garcia.” 

With a police but frm tone, he dismissed Truman. You can leave now


Chapter 29 

Truman took it in stride, not bothered by the brushoff. He turned to Teresa and said. I’m out of here. We’ll chat later.” 


sa responded with a nod. Alright.” 

Feeling frustrated with how things were going Jonathan kept a firm grip on Teresa as they watched Truman’s car disappear. His voice was casual, yet there was a clear undenour of irritation when he asked, Still in touch with him?” 

With a defiant twitch, Teresa slipped free of his grip. We’re divorced. Jonathan. You can see who you want, and I can catch up with old friends. We’re not in each other’s business” 

Jonathan’s lips pressed into a thin line as he spoke. I talked to Simona, made it dear Im not interested, and asked her to stop bothering my mom about matchmaking. I’ve been away on business in Yenisville” 

His gaze was steady as he added, Don’t avoid the question. What’s the story with meeting him!” 

Teresa’s forehead creased, her one resolute. That’s not any of your concern” 

For a beat. Jonathan was left without a comeback, a novelty for him. He fumbled for a way to regain the upper hand, but his usual snappy remarks weren’t coming 

Changing the subject, Jonathan inquired, Why 

y did you change the password? It used to be my birthday” 

I’ve swapped out the old allsix code, so you don’t have to panic about that anymore,she replied

Jonathan sighed, I figured it wasn’t just sixes. He had already attempted his birthday, six sixes, and even hers, all to no avail. The new code was

mystery to him

Hope you’ve got a better memory this time,” he added

Absolusely.Teresa alfrmed. She took a deep breath, her eyes steady as she looked at him. What brings you here today?

Just figured I’d take you out for a bite.Jonathan offered, trying to sound casual 

Teresa served him off, rubbing her stomach. Already filled up with Truman, not hungry at all 

Jonathan stood there, momentarily speechless

Enjoying his sailk, Teresa asked. Anything cbe I’m thinking of turning in for the night

Jonathan pressed on, Give me a clue, at least. Is it Truman’s birthday or something 

Teresa lightly kicked has leg. Theat it, you

Jonathan’s expression flickered with a mix of pain and relief. He pondered

  1. Hit’s not Trumman’s birthday, then what? Could it be Miriam’s Have they gotten that close already?” 

So engrossed was he in these thoughts that he failed to notice Teresa quietly dip into the elevator and ascend to her floor

By the time Jonathan surfaced from his reverie, she was long gone. He didn’t chase after her; instead, he simply walked away, comforted by the knowledge that she had made it home safely 

Closing the door to her apartment, Teresa was hit with a wave of relief. The mounting tension had pushed her to the brink, making her more determined than ever to relocate with her son, away from all the chaos

Mommy!Michael ran towards her, holding a telescope, I saw the black car again. Your boss is really tall, even taller than the man with glasses” 

Teresa’s eyes widened in astonishment. What? So you got a look at what my boss looks like?She asked, her voice wavering

Michael frowned. “His back was to me, so I didn’t get a look at his face. But your boss is making you nervous. Is he illlooking?” 

Teresa’s shoulders dropped, her expression remaining steady. He’s not the kind of guy you’d want to stare at, believe me

Michael grinned cheekily and teased, So why didn’t you shake him off when he put his arm around you? He’s not your usual type, right?” 

Terex was momentarily speechless, surprised by her son’s perceptiveness. You’re full of questions tonight, aren’t you?she said, steering the conversation elsewhere. Feel like some grubi i can rusile up something for us to cal” 

As they moved toward the kitchen, Michael kept at it. Mommy, you should really find me a dad, or I’ll be freaked out being home alone” 

Michael’s words stung Teresa with guilt and regret. She was aware Michael was too young to be alone, and the incident with Jonathan had been

Chapter 29 


The prospect of a real danger at their doorstep was frightening. It spurred Teresa to make a major change to safeguard being

and their security and well- 


Divorcing A Billionaire

Divorcing A Billionaire

Status: Ongoing
Divorcing A Billionaire


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