- 10.
I think Mom should start working, we can’t
just spend money.
What if we run out?
I talk to Mom about opening an entertainment
company, she doesn’t care.
She’ll do anything because she feels guilty.
I take Joe and his manager.
Joe’s my brother, I just asked him to come.
His manager is different, I doubled his salary,
he didn’t want to. I offered him stock, he
didn’t want it.
I don’t know what Joe said, but the manager
I don’t care what they talked about, just that
I’m making money.
Me and Mom go shopping for clothes for the
award show.
We walk out of the store, ready to get
something to eat.
We’re waiting at a crosswalk, a car drives
towards us really fast.
Brakes failed? Can’t control the wheel?
Wait, I recognize that car, it’s Dad’s.
I swear, staying calm, I pull Mom to the side.
The car crashes into a tree and stops.
People drag Dad out, holding him so he won’t
do anything.
Me and Mom are scared.
I didn’t think Dad would kill us, he’s in a bad
I calm Mom down, then I walk to Dad, trying
to stay calm, “You and your family can be
together now.”
The police show up, they’re fast, they get
The police show up, they’re fast, they get
statements, and I take Mom to the hospital.
Joe hears about it, takes a break from
filming, and flies home.
He cares.
That night, we all sleep in the same room.
Me and Mom on the bed, Joe on the floor.
Mom breaks the silence, “I’m sorry.”
“If I was paying attention, you wouldn’t have
suffered so much. Joe, I’m sorry to you.”
She cries.
I sigh, turn on the light, and hand her a tissue.
I tell Joe to comfort her, I don’t want to sleep
next to a crying person.
Joe gets up, sits on the edge of the bed,
“Mom, don’t cry. We’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” me and Mom say.