Evil Neighbor Chapter 3

Evil Neighbor Chapter 3
  1. 3

Then, a new message popped up in the group 




402: Everything’s fine. We were worried for 

nothing. Go to sleep, everyone.” 

I stared at the screen, frozen. I hadn’t heard 402 come back and open his own door. He’d definitely closed it when he left. How could he be back inside without opening it

Unlesshe was inside 404? My stomach 


On the screen, 601 and 302 said Good to hear, night night.Only 504 remained silent. Then

noticed a private message from him

Dude, you’re not asleep, are you? Fellow night 

owls, unite. I know you’re not asleepSaw the 

messages, right?” 

I hesitated, but it made sense. 504 and I were 

both night owls; we’d game together 

sometimes. So I replied



Helfesleep, so I didn’t chime in, but veah,

saw everything. Isn’t it over now?” 

I didn’t mention what I’d just heard. I was more 

concerned about why he’d messaged me 


504 replied quickly, clearly on edge

Dude, something’s really not right.” 

I knew that, but I still hesitated to tell him 

everything, afraid of making things worse. Sol 

just typed

What do you mean?” 

His message came back fast

402, your neighbor. His last messageit’s off

Don’t you notice his little typing quirk?” 

Typing quirk? I scrolled up through the chat 



history, focusing on 402’s messages. Then

saw it. He almost always ended his sentences 

with lolor haha.” 

Buthis last message, the one telling everyone 

to go to sleep, didn’t have it. It wasserious

Did that mean? I didn’t want to think about it

I typed back to 504: The lolthing? You think 

someone else sent that message?” 

Just then, I heard a faint noise outside my door

Like muffled footsteps. I couldn’t resist peeking 

through the peephole… 

And my blood ran cold

Staring back at me through the peephole was 

the creepy face of the dad from 404

Evil Neighbor Novel

Evil Neighbor Novel

Status: Ongoing


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