- 8.
It was David. My legs turned to jelly. How? The
hallway was tiny. How could the cop not see
I peeked again. Even weirder. The cop was
waiting for the elevator. David shuffled behind
him, staring. The cop was completely oblivious.
I was stunned. What was happening?
The elevator arrived. The cop stepped in, turned to press the button. He should have been face
to face with David, but he didn’t react. The
doors closed. He was gone. Like David wasn’t even there.
David slowly turned his head… and looked right at me.
I scrambled back to my bedroom, shaking. The cop wasn’t the problem. It was David. The cop couldn’t see him. At all.
Was David… not human anymore? Or was I the problem? Was I the only one who could see him?
My head spun. My phone buzzed with new
messages. I opened the chat to distract myself.
John had shared the “all clear” from the officer
and his cell number. Michael questioned calling
the officer’s cell, but John explained: “He said
it’s faster than 911, no dispatch needed. More
It made sense. The cop wasn’t the issue. It was
David. All David, From that first message about
silencing his baby…
John told everyone to go back to sleep, Like it
was over. But I knew it wasn’t. I couldn’t keep
this to myself. I typed out everything I’d seen…