Five years ago my fiance David died in the line of duty Chapter 2

Five years ago my fiance David died in the line of duty Chapter 2
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Reynolds handed them over


As the man took them, I saw the missing tip of 

his left pinky finger. He walked towards the counter, a slight limp in his right leg. I covered my mouth

Reynolds grabbed the room keys and hurried 

me away

Back in the room, my voice finally returned. How did hebecome like this?” 

On the way here, I’d vowed to slap him. The nerve of him, forgetting me, marrying another woman! But seeing himall I wanted was to 

hold him

I stayed in the room for hours, until Lisa

Reynoldspartner, forced me out. Everyone was 

having a barbecue in the backyard. I spotted 

David immediately, manning the grill, chatting 

easily with Reynolds

Nina, feeling better?” 

I nodded

David, this is Nina.” 

I extended my hand, fighting the tremor. Nina 

Mitchell. Hi.” 

His warm hand briefly grasped mine. David


A greeting between strangers. My nose stung. I remembered him holding me after he proposed

whispering, Mrs. Walker, hello.” 

We’d lost it all

Looking at him, a million questions swirled 

inside me. But all I managed was, This place is 

beautiful. Are youhappy here?” 

He flipped a burger, casual. Yeah, pretty 


That’s good

A burger slipped from the grill. He looked 

towards the doorway. Buddy, come here.” 

Buddy. The name we’d given our ginger cat

He’d picked it. Fat and round,he’d said

Buddy it is.” 

But the dog wagging its tail was a golden 

retriever. My throat tightened. His name is 


Yeah, fat and round. What else would you call 


I turned away, wiping my tears. Only he would 

choose a name soordinary



The food was ready. Everyone gathered. I grabbed a beer and chugged, the bitterness spreading through my mouth. I looked at him. The mole I used to tease him about was still there. He still wore a red string around his neck, though I didn’t know if it was the one I’d given him. It all felt surreal

Lisa handed out plates, placing mushrooms on his. I reached for them before he could. No, he can’t eat mushrooms.” 

Everyone stared at me. I froze. Suddenly,

figure rushed forward, jumping onto David’s back, hugging him tightly

David! I missed you so much!” 

He bent, protectively holding her. Get down.” 

The words were a scolding, but the tone was pure indulgence

He pulled her in front of him, smiling. This is 


my wife, Emily.” 

Five years ago my fiance David died in the line of duty

Five years ago my fiance David died in the line of duty

Status: Ongoing


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