- 13.
I walked out.
My brother already parked the car, and
opened the car.
He looked at the Cafe, and gave me a look.
“Sis, that Sarah is your classmate right? She
was already pregnant back then, you know
who the father is?”
“The father was a rich man! After she got
pregnant, she had the kid in secret, and was
going to get money from the father.”
“But, he died. His fortune was already taken
by his wife.”
“The wife wasn’t going to acknowledge that,
so the wife took them out.”
My brother knew a lot.
He loved reading about gossip, and was like a
He was smiling at me, waiting for me to
compliment him.
I rolled my eyes.
“And then? Sarah married Mark?”
He nodded.
“Mark doesn’t know that the kid isn’t his!”
He kept ranting.
“After the wife took them out, she went to
“She said she was too afraid to tell him, so
she kept it a secret.”
“But, as time went by, the kid didn’t look like
Mark, or Sarah.”
“Mark started getting nervous, and did a test,
and that’s how he found out.”
“He was mad, and wanted a divorce, but she
said no.”
I asked him: “Did you know about it?”
“Of course, the doctor who told him, was one
of my friends, haha.”
“I heard that Mark was looking for another
girl. I was scared that you would be tricked by
him. Mark is nice on the outside, but terrible
on the inside.”
“Then, the test results came, and it was
Huntington’s. It’s not contagious, and he’s
only going to get sicker. Julie, you dodged a
bullet haha.”
“After that, you’re not going to see them. His
mom and dad also have Huntington’s so he’s
probably going to die.”
I didn’t expect things to go that fast.
I thought that maybe the problem was the
Later, I saw on the news, that the husband
was upset by being beat by his wife, so he
chose to do suicide.
All three family members died.
I shook my head.
I got back to work.