- 11.
That evening, David contacted me, saying
he’d take me to see Lucas. He was waiting in
a black Mercedes when I came downstairs.
“Feeling better now?” he asked as I got in.
“Evelyn, I know you’re angry, and I don’t
blame you for what happened today. Just give
me some time. I’ll fix everything.” He pulled
me into a hug, his chin resting on my hair.
I pushed him away. “I want to see Lucas.” I
didn’t want his empty promises. All I cared
about was my son. I would take him and
leave. I couldn’t stand another moment in this
city, a constant reminder of David’s betrayal.
He hesitated, then agreed. “I’ll take you, but
promise me you’ll come back to me.”
For Lucas, I agreed.
We landed in London the following afternoon.
As we stepped off the plane, David took my
hand. “Evelyn, remember when we
Of course, I remembered. We’d spent two
months here. He cooked for me, took me
shopping. He’d promised, “I’ll never let you
down, Evelyn.” But men’s promises are often
empty words. I saw him clearly now. My heart
was dead, though the pain lingered. I knew I
couldn’t go back to him. He had a wife, a
family. I suppressed the urge to pull away as
we drove to a luxurious villa.