- 3.
The restaurant was a fancy spot with a menu
that made my head spin.
Mia started ordering like she’d been doing it
for years.
“We’ll take the seafood soup, the duck, and
the tofu, those are Liam’s favorites.”
Were those his favorites?
I had no idea.
Before he became a genius, Liam had been
an average kid like me.
We used to go to cheap diners.
Sometimes we’d splurge on a burger.
I’d never even heard of the kind of food they
were ordering.
Mia gave the menu back to the waiter.
As the server was leaving, Liam called out.
“Also, add an order of spicy chicken.”
Mia smiled at him and said,
“Liam, I thought you never eat spicy food?”
Liam took a sip of his water.
Only I knew it wasn’t for him, but for me.
I felt like crying again.
Liam was always like this.
Just when I was about to give up, he’d throw
me a little bit of hope.
Like the time I kissed him and he pulled away,
only to lean back and kiss my hair.