“OMG, how does she know?! Who snitched?!”
“She’s so close! I’m gonna explode, help!”
Jason weakly protested, “I don’t know what you’re talking abou
His burning skin said otherwise.
“What a lame thing to say! Now she’ll think I’m a total dweeb! I
“A crush makes you a wimp. She’s like…like…”
I focused on his thoughts, what was she like?
A total knockout?
A femme fatale?
“She’s like those Bradford pear trees, beautiful but totally unto
I choked on my own spit.
“Ew! What?!”
Bradford pear trees?! Seriously?! I’ve never heard something s
When I’m rich I’m gonna pay to chop down every Bradford pea
Was this what a genius brain was like?
It was a special kind of out–of–touch.
“How can you fail so badly? You brought our class average do
My teacher’s voice came from behind me.
“You’re always goofing around. Sarah’s top of the class, but Ic
“It’s senior year! You’re playing wall tag with boys?
“Can’t you be more like Sarah and focus on your studies?”
I turned around to see my best friend, mouth agape.
“Why are you still standing here?” My teacher followed her gaz
I was still in my wall tag pose with Jason.
My teacher was speechless, I was speechless, and Jason was
We were dragged back to the office. Again.
My teacher just stared at me, lost for words.
Jason stood beside me, looking stoic.
This guy’s gonna yell at Sarah! If Sarah’s sad, I’m gonna be sad
or a second, I felt a little touched.
Maybe I should say it’s me, trying to distract Sarah from being
ly teacher was like, “Sarah, I’m just at a loss with you…”
ason interrupted, “It’s my fault, sir, I was distracting her. I’m alv
ly teacher was totally gonna see through that lame excuse.
ut then, my teacher’s eyes glazed over:
understand. I was stuck at number two in high school.”
son breathed a sigh of relief.
Hehe! I’m a genius! Why is Sarah looking at me? Am I cute wher
But why no kiss? I thought we were having a moment. Maybe I
“I’m so special.”
Me: …
This dude was too much.
The next day was the awards ceremony. I was giving my speech
Jason was in the first row, staring at me like he was trying to bu
His buddy leaned over and whispered, “You’ll get her next time,
Jason’s face remained emotionless, but his mind was racing.
“What? I’m not letting Sarah fall from that number one spot. She
“Sarah looks super hot today. Ugh, gotta lock down the feelings
“I’m about ready to explode and kiss her.”
During the awards, Jason and I were next to each other, for a k
“I’m so nervous! Why am I shaking? It’s not like this is the first
“She smells so good! What kind of body wash does she use? I
The woman handing out the awards messed up the order and I
He looked at the name on the base, then calmly handed it to m
As I took it, my fingers brushed his.
He pulled back like he’d been electrocuted, blushing furiously.
Then, he was back to cool and detached.