I married the Ghost King Chapter 7

I married the Ghost King Chapter 7

The sky tore open, and the horrors spilled out

turning Earth into a living hell. My family 

stood frozen, the stench of urine filling the 

air. All three had wet themselves

A cruel smile twisted my lips. I wanted them 

dead, right there, right then. But that was too 

easy. And I had more important things to do

I helped the villagers get to safety, then 

headed to the old oak. A terrifying figure 

stood beneath it. But I felt no fear. I walked 

towards him, and there he was, the face 

etched in my memory

Daniel Walker, my first love

His eyes, crimson with bloodlust, softened as 

he saw me. He pulled me close, his lips 

brushing my neck. I held up the oak twig

Daniel,I whispered, my voice trembling

The bloodlust receded, replaced by a flicker 

of recognition

Mywife?he rasped

Tears streamed down my face, splashing onto 

his hand. He stared at me, bewildered


I nodded frantically. It’s me. It’s Ashley

Daniel, my high school sweetheart, had died 

saving me. An orphan, he’d always loved 

reading under the old oak, so I’d buried him 

there. Somehow, whether through the tree’s 

strange energy or some other unknown force

he’d become the Shadow King

I kissed him, a sob escaping my lips. Daniel

wake up.” 

The red in his eyes vanished completely

Daniel,I said urgently, taking his hand

these horrorsthey’ll destroy humanity. We 

have to do something.” 

He nodded gravely. I can command them to 

leave humans alone. But it won’t last. They’re 

driven by their nature. Unless” 

He paused. Unless they inhabit the paper 

dolls. Give them bodies. That might restore 

their minds.” 

The day my family betrayed me, I’d seen

horror stumble into a pile of paper dolls 

outside a funeral home. The red in its eyes 

faded, and it cried out, I remember!” 

That’s why I’d ordered so many. It was

gamble, but the only one I had

I grinned and raised my hand, summoning the 

million paper dolls. They filled the sky,

breathtaking spectacle

Daniel smiled. Thisthis might just work.” 

He raised his arm, his voice booming with 

authority. I, the Shadow King, command you

His voice echoed across the world. The 

horrors converged on us, a terrifying swarm

The paper dollspainted eyes flickered, and 

the horrors flowed into them

People across the globe watched in stunned 

silence. Livestreams popped up everywhere

The world’s attention was on us

The process took hours. Finally, every horror 

had a paper body. Government officials 

arrived, wanting answers

Daniel and I exchanged a look

We’ll cooperate fully,I said

Of course,Daniel added. “We’re 


I left Daniel to deal with the officials and 

drove to Willow Creek. My family was hiding 

in the old farmhouse cellar. I placed a horror 

Daniel had given me at the cellar door. It 

slipped through the cracks

Screams echoed from below. I placed another 

horror at the door, silencing the cries. Then,

calmly returned to Daniel

Over the next few days, we worked with the 

government to relocate the nowsentient 

horrors to designated areas. As the last group 

prepared to move, we returned to Willow 


Daniel kicked open the cellar door. The 

stench of blood and decay was overwhelming

My family lay in pieces, barely recognizable

Three hearts, untouched, lay on the floor, as 

if even the horrors found them too foul to 


I turned away, a cold smile on my face. Daniel 

gestured, and the entire farmhouse crumbled 

into dust

I summoned my last two paper dolls. The two 

horrors that haddealt with my family… 

entered the dolls, their minds restored. We 

took them to the final relocation point, and 

the crisis was over

Every horror had regained its sentience and 

was now integrated into society, thanks to 

the government’s careful planning. Except for 

three people from Willow Creek, no one else 

had been harmed. Humans and horrors 

worked together, rebuilding the world, making 


it better than before

The paper doll industry boomed, fueled by the 

birth of horror children. Nancy and her 

husband became industry tycoons, with 

Ethan, the matchmaker’s nephew, as their 


Mrs. Henderson retired, claiming she’d 

overseen enough ghost marriages to last

lifetime. She’d made a lot of matches, but 

few had resulted in suchunusual blessings

With the world safe, Daniel and I embarked on 


a world tour our annimoon,as Daniel 

called it. I rolled my eyes. A honeymoon that 

would last for years

He was the Shadow King, and I was his 

queen. Our actions during the apocalypse had 

granted us a strange sort of immortality. So

perhaps, annimoonwas fitting


Ten years later, in the worldrenowned Horror 

Memorial Museum, a guide stood before two 


These two,she announced, saved the 

world. They are American heroes!” 

A little girl asked, What do we call them?” 

The guide smiled. They are known 

throughout the world as the King and Queen 

of Shadows.” 

The End

I married the Ghost King

I married the Ghost King

Status: Ongoing


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