Chapter 6.2
Robert’s face turned ashen. He grabbed his friend and demanded, “What did you say? Who is Trudy engaged to?”
The friend stammered, “T–Trudy … the event is even being streaming right now. Wait! You really didn’t know?”
Someone switched on the TV in the room. At that time, the climax of our engagement ceremony was being shown. Anthony opened a velvet ring box. His voice, warm and resolute, echoed through the room. “Thank you for choosing me. I promise to love and protect you for the rest of my life.”
As the ring slid onto my finger, I was still in a
Chapter 6.2
daze when Anthony leaned toward me and sealed the moment with a kiss.
With a furious roar, Robert hurled a wine bottle at the screen. “Impossible! This is fake. Trudy would never leave me, let alone marry someone else!”
His friend’s girlfriend sneered at him. She did not like a person like Robert. “Why didn’t she?” she asked. “You’ve stood her up three times already. Each time it was canceled for Diana. Even the warmest heart turns cold eventually.”
Robert’s eyes reddened as he shouted, “No! I told her we‘ get engaged! I only postponed it by a week. I never said I was breaking up with her!”
Chapter 6.2
The girl rolled her eyes and pursed her mouth. “Come on, Robert. Deep down, you know the truth. You‘ ve canceled on her time and again for Diana. If I were Trudy, I’d have left you long ago. Now she’s marrying
Anthony. After all, he’s richer, better
looking and, most importantly, more loyal than you.”
Robert turned around and stormed out of the room. Diana trailed after him and called out, “Robbie! Where are you going?”
Robert burst into the engagement banquet just as Anthony and I were making rounds and toasting the guests. Without hesitation, he strode up and grabbed my hand. “Trudy, come back with me. Cancel your engagement with Anthony right now!”
Before I could respond, Anthony pulled
Robert. “Robert, this is my engagement banquet with Trudy. Who do you think you
are, causing a scene here?”