“What is it?”
“Well, now that Danny and Dylan are going off
to college, that big house is going to be
“Once they leave for school your dad and I
can move in, and I can cook for you after
So, that’s what she was planning. I’m living in
a house that my parents put the down
payment on. It was supposed to have my
husband’s name on it.
But he and his mistress died in a car crash
six months after we got married.
The next time I saw him, he was nothing more
than ashes in an urn.
My parents helped me pay off the mortgage
because they felt bad for me, so the house is
only in my name.
Now that my boys are grown up, they’re
trying to get their hands on it.
“Mom, it’s not that I don’t want you to move
in, but Danny and Dylan will be studying
abroad in the future.”
“I’m selling the house and getting a small
apartment, and using the rest of the money
for their education.”
My father–in–law’s face turned red. He
slammed his hand on the table.
“You’re a Michael’s wife. Why didn’t you talk
to the family about something this big?”
I looked surprised. “Isn’t that what Michael’s
would’ve wanted?”
“What about the money from the house? Give
it to your mom and have her keep it for you.
It trust you!!
You spend too much, and I don’t trust you.”
Usually, if I said I was doing something for
the kids, they wouldn’t say anything.
But today, they were acting like I wasn’t
useful anymore now that the boys were going
to college.
I took a breath and said, “I’ve already hired a
lawyer and put the money into a trust fund.”
“Danny and Dylan will each get $10,000 a
month until they’re 40.”
My father–in–law relaxed when he heard that.
“I guess you’re not totally stupid. At least
you’re leaving something for my grandkids.”
“Don’t bother buying another house, just rent
something. Don’t waste the money.”
Chapter 3
- 3.
While they were going back and forth.
The restaurant manager came up and handed
me a microphone.
“Today is the birthday and graduation party
for your sons.”
“As their mother, maybe you should say a few
words, and share your parenting wisdom.”
I took the microphone.
“Thank you everyone for coming to my sons,
Danny and Dylan’s, graduation party.
“Today, my sons are going to Harvard. How
could their parents not be here on such an
important day…”
I was cut off mid–sentence.
A man and a woman walked in hand in hand.
I looked up, and even after 18 years, I
recognized my dead husband, Michael, and
his mistress, Tiffany.
The room went silent, and everyone started
My in–laws didn’t look surprised to see their
son alive.
They even pulled Tiffany over and made her
sit down.
Michael, who’d been “dead” for 18 years,
came up to me.
“Brenda, you weren’t the best wife, but you
sure were a good mom.”
My sons finally snapped out of it.
“What is going on?”
Michael pointed at Tiffany. “She’s your real
mother. This woman couldn’t have kids.”
“If she hadn’t refused to get divorced and
“If she hadn’t refused to get divorced and
dragged me into this, we wouldn’t have been
separated for 18 years!”
Before I could say anything, my husband’s
family started talking to my sons.
“Yeah, Brenda wouldn’t divorce Michael, so
you had to be separated from your parents
for 18 years…”
“Brenda raised you well, but she has a black
“Now that you’re grown up and going to
Harvard, you can all be a family again.”
My sons were confused and didn’t know what
to do.
Tiffany started crying and grabbed their
“I’m your real mother. I sent you presents
every year.”
“I used to watch you after school.”
She turned to me.
“Thank you for raising my sons so well.”
Michael put his arm around her and looked at
me with a smirk.
“Go get the divorce papers, it’s been 18
years, I need to marry Tiffany.”
Everyone thought I’d fight back, maybe even
But with the whole family staring and
I just smiled.
“Fine! I agree. I’ll sign the papers tomorrow
and let you all be a family.”
My words shocked everyone.
Was I just handing over the sons I’d spent 18
years raising?
Even Michael and Tiffany stared at me in
They thought I’d scream and cry, but they
never thought I’d agree so easily.
Michael looked at me like I was crazy.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
I shrugged. “What, you don’t want to?”
Tiffany grabbed Michael’s arm.
He pulled out a document and handed it to
me as if I were going to change my mind.
“Sign the divorce papers. From now on, the boys are nothing to you, and you’ll never see
them again.”
I didn’t even read it. I just signed my name at
the bottom.
“Mom? Mom, you don’t want us anymore?”
My sons looked at me sadly, not
understanding how I could sign so easily.