Sean’s assistant, clearly well–paid, handed me
the final agreement with a respectful, “Mrs.
The entire company knew about our marital
problems. Chloe had even flaunted her affection
by bringing Sean elaborate lunches. And Sean,
being Sean, had deliberately hired her as my
assistant, just to spite me.
She’d quit shortly after, around the time Sean started pushing for the divorce.
I hadn’t been back to the office since. Few
people called me Mrs. Lincoln anymore. This young man was the only one.
I flipped through the document and signed on
the last page. “Mr. …?”
“Davis, Mrs. Lincoln. You can take another look
if you’d like.”
“No need. There’s nothing more to see.”
I smiled as I handed him the agreement. “Tell
your Mr. Sean, City Hall, one month from today. He better not be late.”
Don’t let him waste my remaining time.
“Yes, ma’am.” He politely excused himself, and
we left, one after the other.
Sean didn’t want me in Chicago, and I didn’t
want to stay either. I wanted to go home, back
to Oakhaven.
The drive was smooth. I stepped onto Oakhaven
soil, realizing it had been almost five years
since my last visit.
My first stop was the cemetery. “Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, I’m here to see you.”
Sean was right. I was truly alone.
I sat down, leaning against their headstones. My parents had died in a car accident when I was young. My grandparents passed away shortly after I graduated college. I’d buried them close together, so it would be easier to visit.
“I bought a plot for myself nearby. Partly because I miss you all, and partly…well, the
feng shui is pretty good here, haha.”
I didn’t stay long. Early winter had arrived, and
the air was biting. A light snow began to fall,
and my feet were getting cold.
“Alright, I should go. We’ll see each other again
soon. Then we can have a proper chat. I have to
tell you all about what that jerk Sean has been.
up to.”
I rambled on as I brushed myself off and left the
School was letting out. I passed Oakhaven High
Students in their uniforms poured out, their
faces bright with the joy of the weekend, even
such a small break from school.
I stood there for a long time before finally
walking towards the school gates.
“Hev. what’s your business here?” The security
conference,” I said quickly. “I’m really running
late. The teacher’s waiting.”
Maybe it was the redness around my eyes, or
maybe my acting was convincing. He let me in.
I breathed a sigh of relief and slowly wandered.
around the school grounds.
Students swept the fallen leaves, a mischievous
boy stuffed a snowball down a girl’s back, and
she chased him with a broom, laughing..
I smiled, watching them. It was like seeing a
younger version of myself…and a younger.
I shook my head and walked toward the maint
building, my memory leading me to classroom.
- Still on the first floor. The room was
empty. I gently tried the door handle. “Click.” It