- 5.
Even my brother looked confused. “Sarah
looks exactly like Mom. Dad. are you sure
there wasn’t a mistake? Maybe we should do
another one?”
Mom chimes in, totally serious, “There’s really
no need. I just have one of those faces that
look like a lot of people, it’s normal.”
Dad hesitates for a second, glancing at
Ethan. “We can do another one.”
Great. We’re back to square one.
Dad clears his throat, asking Ethan with
exaggerated seriousness, “Now that the
identity of our daughter is up in the air, are
you committed to being engaged to the
Hayes‘ daughter or to Ashley? Make your
I roll my eyes, knowing he’s just waiting for
Ethan to make his choice so he can stir
things up with Mom.
Of course, Ethan droops his head, looking
defeated. “Ashley, see? Your dad doesn’t care
about you at all. As soon as there’s a chance
you’re not his biological daughter, he’s ready
to dump you. He doesn’t even think about
Aunt’s feelings.”
“I’m not as callous as Uncle. I’m sorry. I can’t
think straight, what if Ashley and Aunt are too
sad? I’d be worried about them.”
“Ashley and Aunt, please don’t get me wrong,
I don’t think Uncle meant to say that.”
Mom, as expected, is moved. “What a sweet
kid. I knew there was a reason I liked you.”
She angrily pushes Dad away as he tries to
take her hand. “Get away from me!”
“You never change! You’re so narrow-
“How many times do I have to tell you,
Ethan’s dad and I are just friends? You don’t
believe me, you just try to break up Ashley
and Ethan!”
“Aunt, don’t yell at Uncle. It’s my fault for not
being good enough.” Ethan says quietly,
tugging at Mom’s heartstrings even more.
Dad is fuming but can’t say a word.
Seeing Mom’s anger rising, I grab her arm.
“Mom! The most important thing is to redo
the DNA test !!
Afraid Ethan will add fuel to the fire, I glare at
him. “Enough already. You’re pouring on the
charm, and we haven’t even eaten dinner yet.”
We’re about to head back to the hospital, but
Dad says, “No need. I’m sure Ashley is our
As he says it, he shoots Ethan a dirty look. “Damn it. I am just not capable of winning against you.”
Ethan, maybe trying to smooth things over or maybe deliberately provoking him, apologizes softly. “I’m sorry, Uncle. It’s my fault your trap didn’t work.”
Dad sputtered, coughing, glaring at Ethan.
“What’s going on?”
Mom is impatient, demanding, “Are you
serious? You never switched the babies?”
“Yeah, how can someone hear ‘change her
diaper‘ and think ‘switch out the baby‘?”
Sarah cries even harder. “No! I’m your
daughter. Mom, Dad, how can you reject
“I haven’t seen you for days, so you have been trying to get into rich families? You little brat, I am going to teach you a lesson!”
“You want to be rich people’s daughter? You don’t deserve that!”
“You even spreaded lies about me. I had to switch the babies? Do you know that human trafficking can result in a prison sentence I
am going to beat you up!”