Chapter 400 Chapter 400 The Sinclairs didnt stand a chance , of course .
Michel clicked his tongue : The whole Sinclair and Everhart saga has been buzzing around forever , yet Ive never seen the Everhart guy publicly with your sister , nor has he ever acknowledged her .
Its like theres nothing there , but shes acting as if theyre practically engaged .
Lemira looked at Michel , surprised .
Was there really such a backstory ? In her previous life , she had heard rumors about Ms.
Sinclair getting engaged to the Everhart heir , but it seemed like it was never officially confirmed .
It always remained just that rumors .
Susanna was fuming : What would a broke worker bee like you know ? My future brother in law has been busy abroad , only recently returning to the Everhart family .
Our families are about to sit down for dinner soon to discuss the engagement .
Why else would she swallow her pride and publicly apologize to Lemira ? It was all for her sisters engagement to the Everhart heir .
Susanna , are you out of your mind ? Since when did my brother agree to have dinner with the Sinclairs ? Lemira looked up to see Matthew approaching , wearing oversized sunglasses and exuding a cool , mysterious vibe .
Was he here to set the record straight ? Upon seeing Matthew , Susannas face soured : Its already been discussed between our families .
That was something my mom worked out with the Sinclairs , its got nothing to do with my brother .
Your mom was arranging the engagement on behalf of your brother .
Well , then let my mom marry your sister .
Since its always been her handling the marriage talks , seems like theyd be a better match .
Matthews bold statement shocked everyone around .
Susanna burst into tears : Matthew , dont you dare go too far .
Your mom personally arranged this engagement Arent you afraid of embarrassing her ? Well , Ive been the black sheep of the family long enough , a little more embarrassment wont kill her .
She has Orion to make her proud , after all .
Susanna , unable to bear the scrutiny and unable to outwit Matthew , stormed off .
But Evelina stayed , her face alight with excitement .
She hadnt realized that the captain of the Reapers was the Everhart heirs brother , a bona fide member of an ultra wealthy dynasty .
This was beyond Dorians league .
A frenzy took hold in Evelinas heart .
If she could snag Matthew , shed become the young Mrs.
Everhart .
Containing her excitement , Evelina knew she had to make her move .
She approached Matthew , her voice soft and weak : Susanna is just a kid at heart , she was only talking about the sponsorship for the Orvin University Team base .
The Orvin University base needs sponsorship ? Matthew completely ignored Evelina , walking over to Lemira : Why didnt you tell me about this ? His sister in law needed sponsorship , something he could easily arrange with a simple call .
12:09 Was there really a need for her to personally seek out sponsors ? Thats giving those companies too much credit .
Lemira nodded : The Sinclairs used to be the main sponsor , but after a bit of drama , they pulled out .
She didnt delve into what exactly had happened with the Sinclairs .
Matthew looked towards the sponsors : What are you waiting for ? This is a golden opportunity , grab it before its gone .
Lemira gently tugged at Matthew : Ive already spoken to them , well discuss the details later .
Of course , young Mr.
Everhart , we didnt say we wouldnt sponsor .
Absolutely , were all willing .
Especially with Ms.
Langstons talent , shes bound to be a dark horse next year .
Matthew nodded , satisfied : Thats more like it .
Lemira is my friend , make sure you treat her right .
After all , it was his brothers command .
uddenly , Lemira realized everyones attitude towards her had improved significantly .
Evelina , seeing Matthew standing by Lemiras side , was livid with envy .
What was so special about Lemira ? Unable to contain her jealousy , Evelina shamelessly approached , cooing : Lemmy , when did you get so close to Mr.
Everhart ?