Love and hate are scattered and the stars shatter Chapter 5

Love and hate are scattered and the stars shatter Chapter 5

Sarah has her arms around his neck, laughing

They are called the cutest couple, and my 

daughter is yelling, Go Daddy, go Mommy!” 

the TV, and leave the divorce papers 

ording on the table, take one last look at 

use, and leave for the airport

ust as I’m getting on the plane, Jake calls

Chloe, I’m almost home. Meet me downstairs.” 

Jake, we’re over, I want a divorce.” 

What? Chloe, I can’t hear you?I can hear 

Sarah laughing, so the event isn’t over. I hang 

up, get on the plane and block his number

After I hang up, Jake keeps calling. But the 

phone is off. What was it Chloe said? He feels 


Sarah is there with the kid Is Chloe not picking 

up? She’s being dramatic. You were only being nice. Moms just want to have grandkids.” 

Don’t worry, Chloe is old and can’t have kids

she has no one else. She’s just dramatic. I’ll get 

you a new dress, yours is ruined.” 

Jake is barely listening. He starts calling, but 

it’s off. Chloe never did that. Then he 

remembers her saying she’d always be there

He looks around, but there’s just Sarah and the 


He feels uneasy. He tells Sarah, I think I need 

to go check on Chloe.” 

Sarah says, That’s exactly what she wants, you 

idiot. If you go now, she wins. She’s trying to 

play you.” 

The kid hugs him, “Don’t leave mommy, don’t 

go to that mean woman.” 

The words cut deep. He looks at Sarah, and 

says Chloe never plays games. She was sad,

need to go take care of her.” 

Fine,” he snaps. I’m going home, your bill is 

on me.” 

He rushes home, and Chloe is gone. There’s

divorce agreement on the table

He remembers her holding papers that day

Does that mean she knew then? What is 

happening? He sees the USB and plugs it in. He 

hears the recording, and his face turns pale

He gets a call, Hey dude, you can’t do that

How could you? Did you not see Chloe? She 

must be hurt.” 

What?Jake asks

You know you’re on the news? You were at

kid’s event. You and Sarah were the cutest 

couple. Mark’s family is trying to get rid of it 


Jake remembers that Chloe watches the news 

every morning

His colleague asks, What happened? Are you 

still there? Why aren’t you talking?” 

Jake says, Chloe heard the recording, and now 

she wants a divorce and left. She’s gone, she 

doesn’t want me anymore.” 

While Jake is looking for me, I land in Paris.

get my old job back. It’s something I always 

enjoyed. But after the accident, Jake made me 

quit because of his concerns about my safety

He said he’d take care of me. I thought, if

can’t have his kids, I’d try to be a good wife.

feel so stupid now

Jake calls every day and sends texts, but

block his number

That cutest couplevideo is blowing up online

and Jake is trending. Everyone thinks Jake and 

Sarah are soulmates. Jake didn’t respond to 

any of it. He lets everyone think what they want

But what he does or doesn’t do is not my 


I focus on my work, not knowing that the news 

at home is crazy

Just when everyone is convinced Jake is in love 

with Sarah, he goes to Mark’s house with

DNA test. The kid is not Sarah’s, she stole her

Mark’s family wants a boy. When they realize 

the kid is not theirs, they tell Mark that if he 

doesn’t leave Sarah, they will cut him out

Mark beats Sarah and divorces her. She tries to 

go to Jake

Jake has his help bring the kid in, then throws 

Sarah out

Jake, why are you doing this? I love you!” 

Jake grabs her, You were the one who turned 

on me, that email with the recording? That was 

you! You tried to hurt Chloe. Those stories 

online were yours as well! Why? You knew you 

can’t have kids. You did it to hurt her!” 

Chloe is not a replacement. I love her, not you

You should stay away from my family, you can 

go to hell!I’m going to find Chloe, If she 

doesn’t take me back, I’m going to kill you!” 

The next day, I see Jake downstairs. He looks 

tired. He’s holding my little girl, and looking at 

me with hope

Love and hate are scattered and the stars shatter novel

Love and hate are scattered and the stars shatter novel

Status: Ongoing


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