Jake slept the morning away. In the late
afternoon, he came downstairs wearing a brand
new outfit.
The wavy fringe that fell over his brow looked
meticulously styled.
He was effortlessly handsome, and a quick
once over made him look breathtaking.
Aunt Carol, who was playing on her phone,
looked up and asked, “Dinner’s almost ready,
where are you going?”
Jake squatted down to wipe a speck of dirt off
his shoe.
“Gotta find you a daughter–in–law.”
Aunt Carol playfully smacked him on the arm.
“You always run your mouth. Riley might leave
you and then you’d never get a wife.”
The comment hung in the air, making Jake and
me freeze.
Years ago, a fire engulfed the house next door,
where the Jones family lived.
My dad rushed into the flames to rescue Mr.
Later, my mom passed away due to sickness.
The Jones family, Jake’s aunt and uncle, took
me in and raised me like their own.
They had always hoped I’d marry Jake.
They wanted to take care of me forever.
It was a known fact between Jake and me.
“Mom, stop it.
“Don’t crap where you eat, I just think of Riley
as a sister.”
Jake’s indifferent tone snapped me out of my
After Aunt Carol walked away, I coldly said,
“You’re going to see Brittany, aren’t you?”
“How did you know?
“Did you go through my phone?”
His voice suddenly turned cold.
Then, as he remembered me shutting off his
alarm this morning, he relaxed a little.
“Since you know, I won’t lie.
“You’re my sister, you should know how long
I’ve been trying to win her over.”
I did know.
Brittany was an art student with a focus in
In a high school filled with oversized uniforms
and short hair, her long black hair and slim
figure stood out.
Jake had accidentally hit her in the head with a
basketball, and fell in love with her.
He, who lost interest in things very quickly,
spent two years pursuing her from sophomore
to junior year.
But Jake, though he was a heartthrob, wasn’t
Brittany’s type because she didn’t think he was
smart enough and that he went to the arcade a
She rejected him again and again.
I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. “If
you’re still hung up on her, why did you say yes
to me yesterday?”
“Why did you… take me to that motel and sleep
with me?”
Jake glanced at me.
“Don’t start. I never said yes to you.
“You were drunk, you told me you liked me, and
then you kissed me.
“We grew up together, and you’re like my sister.
“So, I didn’t want to embarrass you in front of
How nice of him not to reject me.
My face flushed red, and my chest rose with
“Then why take me to the motel?”
Jake walked down the stairs and tapped his
“You were drunk, I couldn’t take you home, or
my parents would have killed me.
“So I took you to the motel. You know what
happened after that.
“I’m a man, there was no way I could resist.”
Every word was accusatory and without regret.
Like I forced him to take me to the motel and
sleep with me.