My brother pipes up, “She’s young, Dad. We
can’t let her be crippled.”
“That’s the point! We’re in too deep now. I
have to make sure Brittany’s audition goes off
without a hitch. Once Star knows she can’t
dance, Brittany can focus on her dream.”
“Fine, just get a doc to give Star some
I’m lying there, biting my lip so hard I can
taste blood, but I can’t stop a sob from
The dad who treated me like his princess is
now freaking me out.
It finally clicks. Dad wasn’t being nice
because he missed Mom.
He was trying to ruin me so his illegitimate
daughter could get ahead!
And my beloved brother, the only person he
cares about is Brittany, not his own sister.
The two guys I trusted most are tearing me
apart for the same girl.
I’m choking back tears.
Dad bursts into the room, all concern. He
wipes my eyes, his voice soft.
“Nightmare, baby? It’s okay, Daddy’s here.”
He pats my back like he used to when I was a
kid, telling stories to soothe me.
Dad’s always good at playing the loving father in public.
My brother runs out to find a doctor. “Give
her the strongest painkillers you’ve got. I
don’t want my sister feeling another ounce of
Their concern feels real.
But it’s just another layer of the lie, another
way to hurt me.
My heart’s pounding. I feel like I’m about to
pass out.
The doctor comes in, cuts my clothes off
without a second thought, starts prepping the
That’s when my dad explains.
“Star, you’re badly hurt. I’m worried about
rushing into surgery. Let’s wait for the top
specialists to get here tomorrow, okay? Then
they can set everything perfectly.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie. I promise, I’ll get you
back on stage!”
A tear slips down my cheek.
I can’t help myself. “Dad, will I really dance
He hesitates, looks away.
Then, he sighs. “Star, when have I ever lied to
My legs are numb, but what else can I do?
I drop my gaze. “Okay. I trust you.”
Dad smiles. “That’s my girl…”
But he stops mid–sentence. The doctor cut
away my pant leg, revealing the damage.
“What the hell happened?!”
The thugs wanted to hear me scream. They
made a game out of seeing who could hurt
me the most.
Below the knees, bone fragments, mangled
My brother looks away, sickened.
The doctor shakes his head. “What kind of
animals did this? Kid, hang in there. This is
going to sting…”
I barely manage a shake of my head. “It’s
I’m already numb.
While the doctor’s working, I hear my brother
and dad talking in the hall.
My brother’s voice is hushed. “Do we really
need to post the video online, now that she’s
like this?”
Dad’s quiet for a second.
“Post it. Those fancy arts schools won’t touch
a girl with a tarnished rep.”
Tears spill.
The doctor asks, “Did I hurt you?”
I shake my head again, unsure if it’s the
wound or my heart that hurts more.
The two most important men in my life are
destroying my body and soul.
I want to scream, “Are we family, or are we
My phone starts blowing up.
I open it to find the video of my attack
plastered all over the school forums.
The comments are brutal.
[That’s Star Winthrop. She’s a total tease. She
deserved this!]
[I can vouch for that. She’s messed up in the
head, always bullying people.]
[I wonder what her CEO dad thinks of his
daughter now?]
Every word is a knife twisting in my chest.
My brother covers my eyes. “Star, don’t look.”
My dad snatches the phone, furious. “Wyatt,
what the hell? I thought you handled this!”
My brother looks guilty. “I locked it down.
Someone must have grabbed it. It’s okay,
Star. I’m getting it taken down, like, now.”
They’re a well–oiled machine, their acting
It makes me sick.
Dad kneels in front of me, his eyes earnest.
“Star, no matter what, you’ll always be my
baby girl.”
My brother nods. “Yeah, I’ll always love you,
The video’s gone quick.
But too many people have already copied it.
My reputation’s shot. Even if I heal, I can’t go
back to my old life.
I can’t dance.