I didn’t go home and went to a hotel instead.
I was finished with work.
I heard some news when I turned in the
Mark wanted to work on projects in Ireland.
The material he had was enough to get him
promoted. There was no reason to go abroad.
Years later, there might not be a space
available for him to become a professor.
Why would he do this?
“Professor Sarah.”
A material was passed behind me to the
materials teacher.
He smiled to me.
“I hope we can work together soon.”
The teacher was excited.
“Professor Mark is going overseas with
Professor Sarah. You guys are so lucky.‘
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think he can.”
I turned off the teacher’s glee.
Mark hesitated.
I was polite.
“Our passions don’t align. We can take care
of our own space when we get to Ireland.”
The teacher was still lost. “Professors, you
I laughed.
“We split up.
The teacher was speechless.
I turned to Mark. “I wish you luck with your
projects overseas.
He grabbed my wrist.
He seemed to be suffocating, but his voice
“Don’t you care at all?”
I shook him off. “Come on. We’re at school.”
He got louder. “Why aren’t you as stubborn
as you used to be?”
I was shocked.
I wished I installed security cameras on Mark.
He would always check out for an hour.
He always shouted at me.
“You’re my girlfriend! I can’t stand being
controlled! You are so suspicious!
Did you suspect that I was with Ashley? I have
known her for too long! If I had anything with
her, I wouldn’t have stayed with you!”
I sighed and turned back to him. seeing his
I sighed and turned back to him, seeing his
“Mark, I thought you hated me controlling
I quit, so what else do you want?”
His eyes filled with water.
Ashley rushed over.
“Mark! Don’t go to Ireland!”