A pause. A sigh. “I’m busy, Claire. I don’t have
time to cook. Don’t be difficult.” It was like a
bucket of ice water. I was ashamed of my
weakness. I hung up.
The condo sold quickly. I transferred the money
to my account. I didn’t want the condo. He
could have it. I left the divorce papers on the
coffee table and flew to Seattle. My best friend,
Ashley, was waiting at the airport. She hugged
me tight. “Claire–Bear! You finally did it! How’d
you convince Mr. Wonderful?”
Ashley had started a design firm in Seattle. I
have a natural talent for design. She’d wanted
me to join her for years, but Mark was against
- it. So I stayed. Now, finally, I could focus on my
own career.
I invested the money from the condo, plus my
savings, into Ashley’s company. “Wow, someone’s feeling flush!” Ashley said, hugging
me again.
I poked her nose. “Better be. My retirement
with the pool boys depends on you. Don’t let
me down.”
“Knock it off!” She grinned, flashing her
canines. I laughed. It felt good. My phone rang.
Mark. Ashley, who knew the whole story by
now, told me not to answer. But I had to face it
His voice was furious. “Claire! How could you
be so vicious?!”
I stayed calm. “I have no idea what you’re
talking about.”
He scoffed. “Sarah was attacked! Someone
jumped her. If a Good Samaritan hadn’t
intervened, she could have been… you did this,
didn’t you?!”
He hadn’t gone back to Austin yet. I didn’t know
what to say. “Idiot.” I hung up.
Ashley swore under her breath and dragged me
off for a celebratory dinner.