- 12.
I’d never been in the hills before.
It was huge.
There were no paths.
Everything smelled moldy.
I kept hearing animals.
But I wasn’t scared.
It was like someone was protecting me.
I kept walking, and finally I saw a shack at the
top of the hill.
Before I could knock, someone said, “You’re
finally here.”
Even though I’d never heard that voice before,
it felt familiar.
I went inside.
There was a candle on the table.
An old man was sitting in front of it.
He looked a bit like my dad.
“Grandfather,” I said.
He looked at me. “Don’t worry. Sit down.”
I sat across from him.
“You made it this far,” he said. “Your parents
must have done everything they could.
They can finally rest.”
“Did you know my parents are dead?” I asked.
“Do you know what’s going on?”
“Why did they and my fiance kill themselves?”
He sighed. “It started when I was young.
I thought I knew everything.
I messed with things I shouldn’t have.
That’s why I was cursed.
You were my curse.
The best way to solve the problem was to kill
But your parents wouldn’t let me.
I had to come here and hide.
Trying to change fate brings bad luck to
those around you.
Your parents knew that when they saved you.
They didn’t want you to feel guilty.
The sentence you were trying to find was just
your mom trying to confuse you and take the
I understood.
Dad knew he was going to die.
That’s why he was always so careful.
Mom didn’t want me to feel bad.
She carried all the pain by herself.