My best friend likes to pretend to be noble Chapter 1

My best friend likes to pretend to be noble Chapter 1

My best friend likes to pretend to be 



I had this friend, Ashley, who was so full of 


Like, freshman year of college, some cute 

upperclassman, Chad, offered to help her with 

her luggage, and she straightup turned him 


I don’t just let guys help me like that,she told 

him, Don’t even think about hitting on me.” 

Her family wasn’t exactly rolling in it, so the 

school offered her a grant, but she gave them 

this cold shoulder, too

I may not have much,she said, But I have my 

pride. I don’t take handouts.” 



Later, after graduation, we both applied for the same job, but I was the only one who got the 


And guess what she did? She tried to turn it down for me, saying something about how 

working for someone else was for suckers, and 

how we should be entrepreneurs like her

I was about to lose it on her when she shoved 

me off the roof

Then, I woke up, and it was the first day of 

college all over again

Jen, you got any water in your bag? I’m dying 

of thirst.” 

It was Melissa, dragging her suitcase, looking 

like she was about to melt in the sun

I snapped my head up




No more upsidedown building looming over 

  1. me

Realizing what was going on, I glared at Ashley

who was walking ahead

Last time around, I’d poured my heart out to 

her, and she repaid me by sending me to an 

early grave

Everything around me matched my memories 

from four years ago

Melissa was still calling my name

I was about to answer when a tall figure started 

walking toward us, Chad, the upperclassman

He had a water bottle in his hand, heading 

straight for Ashley and me. He offered the 

water as he spoke

Need a hand with that stuff? I heard girls‘ 


suitcases were super heavy, so here, drink some water, and I’ll do the heavy lifting.” 


He held the bottle out to Ashley, but she acted like he was holding a snake and stepped back

What do you want? How long have you been watching us? I don’t need your help, and you’re not getting my number. My mom taught me not to just let guys touch my stuff.” 

She gave me this smug look

She’d done the same exact thing last time, showing off her holierthanthouattitude

But after she rejected Chad, she’d dumped all 

her luggage on me and said, Jen, I just did you 

a solid. If you start messing with guys on day 

one, you’ll get a reputation of being trashy.” 

Then she’d pranced off, leaving me with what 

felt like a ton of bricks to haul up to the dorm




I still remembered how my back had been killing 

me for three days straight after that

Snapping back to the present, I looked at her 

stuckup face, smiled at Chad, and practically 

snatched the water bottle out of his hand

That would be amazing!” 

Chad, after being rejected, smiled back, and his 

whole face lit up

Chad hoisted my suitcase onto his shoulder and 

started hauling it up the stairs like a champ

I was about to follow him when Ashley grabbed 

my arm

She was fuming, her eyes practically popping 

out of her head

Jen, how could you just accept help from some 

random dude? You can’t just accept things with 



random dude? You can’t just accept things with 

no strings attached. People will talk.” 

She was yanking on my sleeve

I shook her off and gave her a sweet smile

Get with the times, Grandma.” 

Then I turned around, leaving Ashley sputtering 

behind me

After getting my stuff to the dorm, I thanked 

Chad and dug out some snacks from my bag

I even slipped in one of those heartshaped 

chocolates from See’s Candies

Chad took the chocolate, and his ears turned

funny shade of pink

Can I get your number, Chad?I asked


Uhyeah, sure.” 

My best friend likes to pretend to be noble

My best friend likes to pretend to be noble

Status: Ongoing


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