My Cousin likes to play exciting games Chapter 1

My Cousin likes to play exciting games Chapter 1

My cousin likes to play exciting 



My cousin, Tiffany, is all about getting her

kicks, so she decided to hitchhike through the 

middle of nowhere

She even started unbuttoning her shirt

suggesting she could pay for the ride in, you 

know, another way

I tried to tell her not to be a fool, that the 

rescue squad was on its way

Tiffany just rolled her eyes at me, like I was 

some kind of square

Girl, if I don’t live a little now, I’ll be totally 

boring back in the city!she sneered

We’re in the freakindesert, who’s gonna know 


what I do? Relax!” 

Since I wasn’t playing along, she grabbed a couple of tank tops and hopped in the truck

Later, Tiffany went off the grid near the border, and her folks had to drop some serious cash to 

get her back

She came back a shell of herself, totally 

messed up, and blamed it all on me

If you’d just offered the driver a measly eight 

grand, I wouldn’t have been sold to those 

traffickers!she screamed

I might be damaged goods, but you deserve to 


Her parents, my aunt and uncle, were so pissed 

that they dragged me out to the desert and left 

me for the coyotes

Then I woke up, back when she was flagging 

down that truck

My Cousin likes to play exciting games novel

My Cousin likes to play exciting games novel

Status: Ongoing


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