At the hospital, I talked to the doctor.
He told me that Gary had woken up.
He said, “Where’s Tiffany? I’ll save her, no
matter what!”
I said, “This is her phone. You want to know
what happened, right?”
He stared at the phone, and then he said, “Oh,
that’s bad.”
I said, “She was too crazy. We’ll never be as
“Wasn’t that hard to tell me?”
I was saying that on purpose.
“You helped her because you couldn’t afford it.
“She danced, so she was your pride.
“I gave her the phone and sent it to her.
“Was that bad?
Gary looked sad and disappointed.
“It’s too bad you died, everyone hates you. They
don’t like you.”
Gary made a weird sound, and the machines
went crazy.
His eyes got wide, and then he leaned to the
side, and stopped moving.
Chapter 13
Gary was dead.
Karen got better, and then she found out, she
had to go back to the hospital.
Now she laughed and cried all day.
She thought the toilet was her daughter, and
started scolding them.
“I’m her grandma. You don’t know better.”
I hated it, so I gave her Tiffany’s phone.
It had photos and text messages with men.
“Look at this one! She’s too young for that.
“I’m impressed.
“And look at this!”
Then she got mad.
She stopped reading.
Then she jumped out a window.
Chapter 14
After the bad news, Mom didn’t eat.
Dad didn’t care.
I told her to take care of herself.
That night, she started crying.
“Mom, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’m just
crazy. I wasn’t thinking straight!”
I said, “Tiffany died because of her. And Karen
died because of you. You helped Karen, and
you helped Mom.”
Her whole body shook.
She cried. “It was my fault.”
Chapter 15
My mom was Gary’s closest relative.
It all went to her.
She got a few thousand dollars.
This time, she did the right thing.
She sent it to a charity.
Everything went back to normal.
But Dad gave me all the bank cards.
He said, “Mom will be better soon. But keep the
money safe, you understand?”
That’s what I was thinking.
The end.