The party was a disaster. I apologized to Grandpa, but he just waved it off.
After everyone left, Ashley, all sweetness and light, apologized to me.
I just glared at her. “Liam and I are done. Keep your schemes away from me, or else…”
“What do you mean, done?” Liam practically
“Hailey, you’re a freaking Henderson. You’re part of my family, till the day you die.”
I couldn’t believe the guy. He didn’t even like me, but he had to try to keep me around.
Liam, being the idiot he is, didn’t listen to his grandpa and left with Ashley.
Grandpa sighed and said, “A match made in
After that, Liam never came back to the
house. Even as my plane took off, he didn’t
show up.
I got a text after I landed from a random
[Hailey, you think you’re all grown up now.]
I ignored it.
I’d blocked every way Liam could reach me, and this number went right into the blacklist.
After getting to America, I found a teacher and other students from other countries, to
learn from.
I quickly forgot about Liam, and focused on
But being alone in another country had its
One night I was heading home late, and a
large man followed me, trying to mug me.
Since he was bigger than me, I didn’t try
I wanted him to just take the money, but then
he smirked and went for my face.
“Don’t touch me!”
I snarled and pushed him away.
But he kept coming towards me.
I started running, but he grabbed me by the
The next thing I knew, I was free.
I heard a thump and a scream.
A man was pointing a baseball bat and vellina
at the mugger.
“Get away from her, you creep!”
“I don’t want to see you again, or I’ll be back!”
I froze.
A guy had jumped in to save me.
This was the first time I thought of Liam since
I got to America.
The man helped me up. He was my hero.
“Are you okay?”