Just then, my phone rang.
It was the cab driver.
I’d already ordered the car..
I was taking Mark to the crematorium, and I
wasn’t letting anyone stop me.
Kevin realized I was serious.
He tried to get physical, trying to pry Mark
away from me.
“I’m showing you respect, Mrs. Johnson.”
“But I’m telling you, you need to let me handle
this. Otherwise…”
Before he could finish, a bunch of guys in
suits surrounded him.
I laughed.
“Kevin, I’ve been a good wife for you. But if
Mark isn’t death enough, I can assist you with
Six burly dudes closed in on Kevin.
His bravado evaporated.
He backed down, his voice trembling.
“Mrs. Johnson, that’s not what I meant.
He looked at Mark lying there, and his hands
started shaking.
He’d been Mark’s accomplice in all of this,
and I wasn’t going to let him get away with it. “Thanks, fellas. Make sure he doesn’t get near us. My husband’s been through enough, and I will do anything to honor his memory.”
I waved to the driver, who helped me load Mark into the taxi.
“Take us to the crematorium.”
Chapter 2